(Big Girl, Mostly) Wednesday Day At HQ

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Lottie woke up in the pet bed again. She looked at her phone to see three text messages sent at about 4am reminding her to not eat any greasy foods today. This made her huff and roll her eyes. “Duh, DAD! I do not need any reminders after last night!!” Lottie whispered in the nap room.

She was a bit more polite in her message. But she did want him to know she didn't need any reminders. She only called him ‘Dad’ when she was being particularly grumpy and bratty. Like she was too big and cool to call him ‘Daddy’.

What she didn't realise but Jackson did, was that it was something she picked up from her doctor’s ‘super cool’ bratty middles. Further proving Jackson's theory that he needed to keep her away from bad influences and closer to good influences like Shyla.

Tammy and Sammy were bad enough. They were so bratty only Ms Priyanka was willing to Babysit them and able to somewhat control them. Ms Cammy had to drive forty-five minutes out of her way every morning to find a Babysitter or daycare who would take them.

The last Babysitter they tried kicked them out because Sammy pooped on her award winning pumpkins. It was quite the scandal at the time. Ms Cammy tried to argue that it would make good fertiliser. It did not help, the Babysitter was traumatised.

Leaving them alone was never okay. They always took the opportunity to remove their diapers and clothing so they could toilet everywhere from the kitchen sink to the middle of the street.

Currently, Ms Cammy kept them in diaper covers that locked so only Ms Cammy or Ms Priyanka could change them as needed. Ms Priyanka made it a rule for them after they both pooped on Shyla's sandman a few decades back.

Once Lottie arrived in the kitchen, Mrs Lupa was close behind her. “Good morning, Lottie.”

“Good morning, Mrs Lupa.” Lottie said.

“Your Daddy asked that a Sitter got you your breakfast and lunch today. Apparently some bunny gave themselves a tummy ache.” Mrs Lupa said the last part in a cringey baby voice and scratched Lottie’s tummy.

Lottie huffed, crossed her arms, and thumped her feet. She then gave Mrs Lupa her best scowl. WHY DID JACKSON HAVE TO TELL THE DAYCARE THAT SHE GAVE HERSELF DIARRHOEA LAST NIGHT?!?!?!

“Sorry, a lot of the other little pets like that. Or maybe just not right now? Sorry. Would you like a big girl plate, a little plate or a pet bowl?”

“Is this really necessary?” Lottie asked, not moving from her grumpy stance.

“Your Daddy said that either we made sure you ate a healthy breakfast and lunch or we gave you medicine. It's your choice.”

“Medicine?!?!” Lottie dropped her grumpy stance to whine dramatically.

“He said if you had any more greasy food, you would probably have a repeat of last night.” Mrs Lupa pouted. “So the medicine is to try and prevent that.”

Lottie whined. “Big girl plate, pleasseee.” Trying to keep as much pride as she could this morning.

“Good choice, Lottie. What would you like to have?”

“Scrambled eggs, hashbrown patties, smiley hashbrowns, diced potatoes and spinach. Please.” Lottie rattled off what she was already planning on having.

“Sorry, Lottie. Your Daddy said no more than two types of potatoes and at least two vegetables. He also said no to bacon and poutine.”

Lottie flopped on the floor dramatically and began crying like this was a tragedy. And it was!

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