Hoyl Carp!

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As of February 14 2024 (OOOOO Valentines day!) This story is NUMBER ONE in the Spooky month hashtag! (I'm half certain that it has been for a while now and I already celebrated about this last month but I'm just writing about it now) 

Anyways, thank you for that! And thank you to the people leaving nice comments! I always get a bit nervous when I see I have notifications here but then I see it's just people voting or saying nice things and it's a relief!

I also love that people still like the art that I made almost six months to a year ago.. Jeez, has it been that long?

I'd better get back to work on the sequel...

Happy Valentines day to those who celebrate! Know that you are loved and supported, no matter who it is in your life that you have a connection with! Friends, family, partners, pets and yourself, doesn't matter as long as they make you happy! 

Hope to see y'all when(if) the sequel comes out! Have a good rest of your day/night!


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