Persephone (pr·seh·fuh·nee)

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Maine coon ^^^^^


Persephone was a kind girl. She worked at a local pet shop. she wanted nothing more than to give animals the life the deserved. Even though she loved her current job she, wanted to eventully be a vet. 

I was helping a small cat into their pet carrier when the door rang, indicating that someone had walked in. "I'll be right with you, sir." I glanced at the person. He was a tall dark haired man. He was wearing a tight black shirt that reveled some of his muscles. He said nothing but nodded in response. 

Once the cat was safely locked in the carrier I moved to the front desk where the man stood, looking at the missing pet posters and news letters pinned to a bulletin board. "What can I help you with?" I asked with a small smile. " A cat, I'm looking to get a cat" he says almost like he was unsure himself. Maybe this was an impulsive decision? He could still be working out the kinks. I see this often. "Okay do you have a specific breed in mind? Do you want a kitten or maybe an older cat? Here follow me we have a lot to chose from in the back pins." I giggle to myself when he seemed confused by my questions. I don't think he put much though into this. 

"these are some of our recently added cats. "This is chubby he's a Maine coon. I can't believe he's still available."

"Why's that?" I look up at him to see that he already looking at me. I don't think he's glanced at the cat once.

"Well they're just a very high end cat breed. It's either someone's pet that got lost and they're claimed immediately or they're sold the same day they're found. It's a good cat breed. They're just harry. Aren't you sweetie." The cat rubs his head on my finger. "oh sorry I'm ramblin.." I stopped talking when we made eye contact. he was now leaning on the cages just looking at me with a small smile. His eyes was what got my attention, they seem to hold emotions I couldn't put my finger on just yet. I blush and looked away from his intimidating eyes. 

"I'll take this one.." he trailed off, not remembering his name. 

"Chubby. That's just the name I gave it you can change it of look like you could give him a better name, anyway." I said looking every where but him. 

"Mmmh?" My eyes grew wide when I realized that it probably sounded rude to him. 

"I just mean that you look like you could come up with a better name. Something fancier or something." I rush out. 

He walks up to chubby's cage and sticks his finger and gently scratch's his head. 

"I think Chubby is a every nice name. It fits him at least" He chuckles a little. I then understood what he was insinuating.  

  "What do you mean by that?" I asked looking up at him it an angry expression. He looked down at me and removed his hands from chubby.  "Nothing. It's just you can tell he's well love, no?" 

I soften my expression as I look in side the cage. Chubby was sitting on his side. His stomach rolls were loud and very clearly there. I blush a bit realizing he was right. Chubby..was a little chubby. 

"He's healthy..." I whisper and look away. 

"I'm sure he is." He laughed again.

"I'll get you signed out now, if you're sure chubby is the one you want." I grab his clip board with all his information on it and looked through it once more to see if I needed to inform him on anything regarding his health. I didn't see anything so I started the check out process. "Are you interested in purchasing a collar, food, water dish, or bedding?" 

"I'll take it all" I nod and ring it up. Once he pays I collect the dishes, collar and bedding and set it on the front desk. I then go back to get chubby. He stands up and screeches to the sound of me opening the cage. I then felt a wave of sadness hit me. I would never see him again. "Oh, goodness..." I scratched and kissed his head. 

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