Broken nail pt.1

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"Watch where you're going weirdo." kala, the girl that pushed me, laughed as she walked to her class room. She liked to pick on me when she saw an opportunity to do so. It's been going on for a few years. I've always been too shy to speak up or fight back. I looked down at my broken bleeding nails. I just got these done for my birthday with my sister. I didn't want her to fight out but I don't have any way to fix it. Deciding to skip class, I walked to an empty hallway, leaned up to the wall and slid down it. I tend to get away with skipping class a lot because no one really notices or cares about where I am or what I'm doing. I placed my legs up to my chest and started thinking about if I was going to go to my next class or not. I really didn't want to. I must've been in that same position for a few minutes before I felt a presents next to me. I quickly lifted my head and opened my eyes. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I was just about to ask if you were alright. It looked like you were crying...and I saw what kala did." Scarlett said. She was sitting fairly close to me but that isn't what got my attention. It was her face that seemed to be bruised and her clothes had spots of blood on them. Her light pink hair also seemed to be splattered in the red substance. "I had a-art. I was going to use the bathroom." she must've noticed me starting. I'm such a weirdo I haven't even said anything yet. 

"Yeah, I'm okay, nothin' I can't handle it." I try to lighten the mood with a small smile. "Do you want to go to my house? I can fix and bandage your nail for you." she asked while standing up and offering her hand to me. I take her hand letting her leave me up. "Are you sure your parents will be okay with that?" My heart started beating like crazy. I've had a small crush on her for a long time now. "No ones home right now but my mom already knows I need to go home and change my clothes due to my art project." 

I looked back down at my broken nail and then back into her golden brown eyes. "Okay sure." I give her a smile and she gives me a big grin. "Perfect.'' She took my hand and dragged me out of the building and to her car. We got into a small conversation about nails and stuff before the car went silent. It was a comfortable silence with just a radio playing. She had a really good music taste. I caught her glancing at me ever once in a while. 

I didn't know why but it was making me self conscious. Did running into the locker leave a mark on my face? Did the blood from my hands go onto my face? Did I smell bad or something? After around the 12th time of her taking a peak at me I just decided to ask. I'm sure it's nothing anyway. "Um Scarlett?" She turned her head to look me in the eyes. We were at a red light. "Yes?"

"Do I have something on my face?" She turned down the radio. She takes a hard look at my face once again. "No, why?" she asks, confused. 

"I-Its nothing." that is not what I wanted to say. Her eyebrows scrunched together before her eyes widened. She must've realized what I was trying to say. "Sorry I guess my eyes are just drawn to really pretty things." she said before she placed one of her hands on my thigh and gave it a squeeze. I blushed a bright red and my eyes went huge. I tried to act normal but that was easier said than done. 

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