Late Night stalker

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I never walked home late - never.

I knew of the dangers and the stories that people have told.

Tonight was different, though. Simply because I didn't have a choice.

I closed tonight and my car is still at the shop. I wasn't close to anyone, not my parents, siblings, co-workers - hell, I wasn't even close to myself.

I had no idea who I was, but does anyone truly understand who they are?

I felt like I was missing something. What that something is was anyone's guess.

It wasn't long before I felt a sense that I was being watched. With my heart beating nearly out of my chest, I slowly turned around. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding with. I saw that it was empty. It was just me and my thoughts - and for once, I was okay with that.
I continue walking 6. The idea of being followed never leaves my mind.

What if there was an invisible person following me or someone was watching me from one the large window in the apartment building?

I've always been paranoid, but I've always been able to talk myself out of it, but not this time. My mind was too far gone. I jumped and quickly turned around when I heard the sound of howling. It sounded close.
I turned around, deciding to just get home as fast as possible. I did not want to be here when they got here.
"You know it's not safe out here all by yourself."
A deep voice says in an almost whisper like voice next to my ear.
I didn't hesitate to turn around and face the owner to such a velvety voice.

I nearly came face to face with a man.

It was hard to make out his more complicated, but I could see his dark hair fall losely around his head and face.

I could still see that was was tall even though we was bent down a little.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He suddenly states once he saw my confused face.

When did he get there?
"I'm okay. Thank you." I rushed out he might be cute, but he was still creeping me out a little.

I turn once more to complete my journey back home.
He grabs the upper part of my hand , stopping me in my tracks. I feel tiny sparks fly out from his hand and go all over my body. I try pulling away out of shock, but his grip is much stronger.
"Sorry, it just that it would make me feel better if I attest walked you home." He pulls away.
He didn't seem all bad and it would be a good idea to have some protection, especially it there were wolf nearby.

"Oh, alright. Are you sure? It's a little ways to my house."

We talked a lot on my way home. He did more talking than me just because I was shy.

"That's a cute name." I look at him, and he gave me a genuine smile. I smile back. "Thank you. It means the light to darkness or something like that." I laugh out, and he chuckles in reply. "What's your name?" I ask when I stop laughing.
"It's not as pretty as yours." He looks in my eyes.

"Your name is so cool! Mine is so boring."
"I love your name." His eyes are soft, and I stop smiling. For some reason, this felt different. I blush, and I look away. His eyes were too intimidating for me right now.
"You're so cute." He pushes hair behind my ear and tilts my head up.
He leans in a kisses my cheek.
"This is your stop, no?" Says once he pulls away.

I look up at my white run-down house.
"Yes, it is. Thank you for walking  me home." I studer out.

"You're welcome, doll. I would like to meet you again. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes! I would live too." I state a little too quickly.

"Here's my number." He chuckles out.
We stand there for a few more minutes. It was clear that we weren't ready to be apart from each other just yet.
"Would you like to come inside?" I hesitantly asked. He looks surprised at first but quickly agrees.
I push open the door, and we step inside.
"Sorry, it's a little messy right now."
"It's okay. It's perfect in here. " He takes a deep breath and loudly exhales. Does it smell weird in here?
"Are you hungry? I have some m ingredients for an easy dinner if you're interested." I smile at him.
"Already trying to take me on a date, are we?" He boldly states.

"It's good to help those in need sometimes." I confidently say, trying to hide my nervous and embarrassed face. He didn't look needy at all. Actually, he looked like he could afford my whole neighborhood if he wanted it.

He laughed in reply and, with a shake off his head, rolled up his sleeves and started washing his hands.

"What's on the menu tonight." He says once he dries off his hands with some paper towels.

"Just some hamburgers with a side salad." I took some already thawed meat from the fridge and placed it into my heated pan. I heard shuffling from behind me and saw the large man digging in my fridge and take out some salad preparation.

"You don't have to do that. You can go sir down if you want." I suggest. He was a guest, after all. "Nonsense." He firmly states and takes the spatula from my hand.

"You go relax and freshen up. I'll call you when it's done." He smiles.

He notices my hesitation and gently moves me towards the living room. "Go on, doll."

I, for some reason, felt the urge to listen to anything this man says, and so I went to my room to change out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable but not to indecent.

When I walked back out, he was still in the kitchen. This time, he was adding cheese onto the hamburgers. I also noticed that my kitchen looked comically small next to him.

I grabbed the lettuce and started preparing the salad.

"I thought I said to go and relax." He whispered into my ear. I shivered and felt goosebumps appear.

A loud howl broke me out of this trance. "Are you scared of wolves?"

I felt two large hands be placed on my hips. I jumped back into his chest. I blushed at his boldness.

"No, not really." I whispered out in the same tone. He gave me a sound of approval. "Good, they're harmless anyway." He moves his hands up and down my waist. He placed his hands over mine and helped me cut the vegetables.  His hands were rough and covered with scars and cuts.

Soon, it was time to eat. We had a light conversation about what we do outside of working. He liked going for nightly walks and nighttime drives.

It wasn't long before I felt lightheaded. "Are you alright? You should lay down." He gently pulls me over to my couch, and I don't fight him on it. "I think I'm just tired." I laugh dryly.

"Here, get some rest. It'll all be okay now." I could see his smile and face start to fade out as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
I didn't have any real plans when I started this lol. I'll probably come back and change some things.

Pt. 2?

Does anyone even like wolf stories anymore? lol.

I've recently been reading a bunch, and idk why.

Also, never do what these ppl did. It's just fiction, but it's so dangerous, lmao

My Wattpad pet peeve - people using abbreviations instead of just typing the full word (it's okay if they're texting)
Ex. "Mom said I had to be there rn?"
It's just cringe ig

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