Cowboy x shy girl

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I recently read a story that had a cowboy character and I was obsessed. It inspired me to make this.

I was this close to making a whole ass book over these two but I can't image this cowboy thing I'm going through lasting much longer lmao


"Thank you for coming out NAME. I've definitely missed you and I can tell you that Darla and James have missed you ask well." My uncle Tommy says, giving me a big warm hug. "Of course. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see Darla and the new barn cat." I was truthfully just really missing my family. Tommy has been the closest thing I've had to a dad for years, and not having him for support was hard. We hugged for longer than we normally would. I was okay with that because this hug was saying everything we did say. 'I'm here for you.'

"Alright, dear, let's get these chickens taken care of." He pulled away and placed his black beat-up cow boy hat onto my head. It was too big so I couldn't see all that well but I was used to it.

I nodded my head and followed him out to the chicken coop. It was a large coop full of hens. They ran from me but seemed to follow uncle wherever he went. Uncle and a younger guy went to work. Apparently, some animals started chewing through the fence, trying to get to the hens. After a few mintues I got bored. I couldn't really help fix the fence so once they were preoccupied I snuck off.

My favorite part were the chick's, so that's where I snuck off too. They were loud. Chirping could be heard all the way by the cows.

Once I entered the chick coup, I bent down to pet them. They didn't run from me, but they wouldn't let me pick them up either. They looked like little yellow lent balls floating around.

"Name!" I hear Uncle yell. I jump up from the chick's and exit the coup, carefully. I didn't want to step on one.

"Coming!" I yell out, hoping he could hear it. It wasn't as loud as his.

"There you are. Sorry dear, you scared me. I thought a Bob cat got to ya." He laughed out jokingly.

"I have to attend to a customer real quick. Don't worry, he's real nice. One of the best farmers out there too" Just as he finished talking, a nice truck entered the driveway. They parked a little bit away from where we were, so we walked over to them. "Howdy cowboy." Uncle Tommy says once he steps out.

The first thing I noticed was how tall he was. He must've been close to 6'2-3. He had longish brown hair that was mostly covered up by a cowboy hat. I also noticed his nice tan skin, most likely from spending most of his time out doors. I couldn't see most of his face due to the cowboy hat I was wearing. I didn't care enough to fix it.

"Howdy, Tommy. Sorry to come by so suddenly." He holds out his hand for Tommy. Tommy takes it gives him a hug. "Don't worry about it, son. You can stop by 12 pm or 4am, ill be here to help."

I didn't look at the strangers face, but I could tell he and Tommy had a close relationship. Almost father-son. Tommy's always had that effect. He took in people like they were family no matter if they had one or not.

"Let's get you a new roster. I have one floating around here somewhere that's been needing a new place. Nothing really wrong with him behavior wise but he's an ugly thing. I don't blame 'em for leaving him here." Tommy starts. I gather that the cows old roster peobly pasted kr was eaten. That happens pretty often around here.

I slowly tril behind them. I just need a new opportunity to leave again. This time I would go spy on the cows and maybe pet a horse or too. They didn't like me all that much so I never bothered them that often. Even when I was a curious kid, I knew better than to upset a horse.

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