Yandere x Yandere (kinda)

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This was kind of hard to write lol

Story is inspired by an ASMR audio I heard a few years ago

warnings: braking and entering, yandere, watching someone sleep, short oc story

I gasp as I took another picture of Elijah. Gosh he was so pretty, no that's not the right word to describe it, he was gorgeous. No that's not right either. I was too busy trying to find the right words to describe him to notice his friend had seen what I was doing. He was visibly disgusted by the idea of me secretly taking pictures. Before he got the attention of Elijah I quickly moved my phone to the side and pointed it at one of the pictures on the lunch room wall. I saw Elijah turn his head to look at me but he glared back at his friend when he saw I was innocently taking pictures of a painting. "Oh..never mind." His cheeks turned a little red but they soon moved on from the topic, thankfully. The bell suddenly went off and I let out a sigh. I didn't have any more classes with Elijah after lunch which means I can't see him until after school. I placed my phone into my hoodie pocket and put on my back pack. I didn't have any trash to throw away because I didn't eat lunch today. I forgot. My mind is so full of Elijah I would probably forget to breathe if my body didn't do that on its own. I took one last glance at Elijah but I saw that he was already looking at me. He seemed to be in some kind of trance because wasn't cleaning up or anything. He was just staring at me. I immediately started overthinking. Did he see me take those pictures? Does he know that I took his hoodie and wear it every night to bed? Maybe there was something on my face or clothes? I started to blush when his staring only intensified when he saw that I was looking at him. His staring was starting to become too much so I quickly fast walked my way to my next class. On my way to class I spotted one of my friends on her way to lunch. Her lunch period was right after mine. Once she spotted me she gave me a hug. "Hey I haven't seen you since Thursday. I'm glad you're doing better." I hugged her back. "Yeah, sorry I wasn't here for the presentation on Friday. I didn't mean to make you do it yourself." I said as I started pulling away from the hug. "Don't worry about it, Freya, I heard you over the phone. You sounded really sick. You still sound a little stuffy." She gave me a sympathetic look. I had gotten a nasty cold from going to Elijah's brother's football game. They are younger kids so the game didn't last too long but It was long enough for me to get a nasty cold. I would normally be all for staying home but ever since I've met Elijah, I have a need to be wherever he is. Unfortunately, that happens to be school 99% of the time. "I bet it was nice to see Elijah after such a long break, hum?" She raises an eyebrow at me with a small smirk on her face. She figured out I had a crush on Elijah when I accidentally revealed it at a sleepover at her house. She makes me feel comfortable, like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me but she would tease me. I try playing it cool. "It's whateva." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah I'm sure it is. Don't look now but he's looking at you now." confused I turn around to the lockers behind me and sure enough Elijah is leaned up against the lockers with his eyes set dead on me. We make eye contact before I quickly turn back around. She laughs at the sight of my bright red face. "Every time I see him he's looking at you girl, I'm starting to think that he has a crush on you.' She winks and pulls me into a hug once again. "Yeah right. Get to lunch you crazy." I state before playfully pushing her away. "Okay I'm going, I'm going." She laughs and makes her way to the lunch room. I laugh to before I adjust my bag and make my way to 6th hour.


I didn't mind this hour that much because the teacher didn't really care what you do. Most kids just played on their phones or talked with friends but I normally just went through my phone gallery. They were all pictures of Elijah. Pictures of him walking home, walking his dog, pictures of him talking to his friends and family, but my favorite pictures were the ones of him smiling or more specifically smiling at me. He wasn't really smiling to me but the way my phone was angled made it look like it was for me. It brought butterflies to my stomach every time I saw it. I rested my head on my desk and just looked at the photo for the remaining hour. I wasn't able to follow Elijah home because he drove home. I new where he lived but It was too risky. If he or someone else saw me walk all the way to his house he would start to be creeped out by me and I didn't want that, I really couldn't have that. I printed out the pictures I took of Elijah at school and taped them to my closest wall. There was at least a hundred pictures of him. I have hundreds more on my phone but I can't print them out because I was running out of room on my wall so I had to be smart and pick wisely on the ones I print out now.

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