Controlling BF 🕳

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warnings: Controlling Bf, trapped GF, bullying, forcing, unhealthy 

I was tired of it. Tired of him my boyfriend. We were in our freshman year of high school when we first met. He was an amazing boyfriend, or at least I never saw anything that raised any alarms. 

Now that I look back there might have been one or 2 things that should've raised suspension. But he really wad a great boyfriend. I never seemed so..controlling. That person would've never taken my phone and put parental controls on it or forced me to take him everywhere.

We're seniors now and It's almost like he never  existed. I have forgotten what it's like to pick your own clothing. He says he does these things to protect me but protect me from what? As far as I new no one was out to hurt me.

Even though he's like this I can't help but love him. He understands me like no one else does. 

We're sitting in class in the far back, right next to a window. I love just watching the trees and people go by. It's calming to me, for some reason. "Do you need help?" A sudden deep voice in my ear forced me out of my peaceful thoughts. "No..yes." I whisper to my boyfriend who's sitting very close to me. I wouldn't normally need his help but this class was a little difficult for me. He hums and gives me a pencil. 

"Here ill show you how to do the first one and then you can try the rest of them on your own, okay?" He starts off my telling me to put my name on the paper.

When that class of over he walked me to my next class. He didn't like the fact that we didn't have the same schedule but he's already taken this class but even so, I still have to remind him that its only 45 min long so there Nothing to worry about. 

He normally just kisses me and tells me that I'm right, and if anything were to happen, I could just call him or run to his class that's right down the hall. But this only calms his nerves for a few minutes I'm just glad he hasn't caused a huge seen over it.

I sat down in the back like I normally do. He likes it the most so I guess I've just gotten used to sitting far away from the others. It was around  10 minutes into class and the teacher has yet to arrive. I've just been drawing on a blank assignment I forgot to do. It was harder than I thought. I would need Levi's help on it after school. I ended up drawing a really cute heart. I snapped a picture and sent it to him.

'That's so cute, Bella, will you draw one on me in our next class?"

"Yes, why do you want it on you though? <3." I figured he might want another tattoo. He was practically drawing in them already and I've designed nearly half of them myself so I was drawing a new tattoo for him at least once a week. 

I didn't mind though, I actually loved it. I loved how he trusted me enough to design his tattoos. It gave me a lot of confidence in my art. I started drawing his new tat on my homework once he texted me back saying he was going to get a new neck tattoo. He started getting them our sophomore year after I make a comment saying how I found tattoos kind of attractive. It wasn't long after that when he said he was going to get one and then another and another. I was worried that he was only getting them because of what I said but he reassured me, saying that he wants to get them and that my comment only encouraged him to get one. Apparently he was thinking about it for a long time.

"Wow that's an awesome drawing." I lift my head up to see someone I've never seen before. He might've been a new kid but I stopped paying attention to the boys that went Here a long time ago, so I don't really know. 

"Thanks" I looked back down at my half completed heart. It wasn't going how I wanted it too. "You don't like it" He asks in a more serious tone. "No, not really." I put my hand in my hoodie to look for a pencil with an eraser. Levi sometimes puts them in there when he knows I'm running low. "Justin what are you doing?" Another boy runs up to his friend. "Just looking at this girl's drawing. She's good at art."

"Let me see" He snatches my paper up. I try grabbing it before he lifts it off my desk but I wasn't fast enough. "yeah it it's alright I guess." He says with a scoff. Justin rolls his eyes. He hands the paper back in my direction but snatches it away when I try to grab it. "You know, your boyfriend has been causing some problems around here." He rests one hand on my desk, his other hand was still holding the paper. "Oh." I pull my sleeves up. I didn't know how to react or respond to him. "Yeah ever since you and him got together, he's stopped coming around. I've had to pick up his work. It's a real hassle, you know." 

I slowly pick up my phone but he slams his hands down onto my hand and squeezes it as hard as he can. I yelp at the pain. He leans in close to my ear. " I don't wanna threaten his girl cause I know you're innocent in this, but I don't know else to make it clear to him that we need him so give him this little message for me will ya? And leave out the bad parts for me darling. I don't need him madder than he already is." He laughs as he pulls away and rips the paper into pieces. 

Justin and his friend walk away from me. Justin mouths a small 'sorry'. The bell rings soon after but I'm still trying to tape back the small pieces of paper with tape I stolen from the missing teacher. It wasn't a good drawing but I tried to save all my draws and sketches. 

I hear loud foot steps enter the room and stand right behind me as everyone leaves the classroom. "Bella?. What wrong." He rubs my back. I slowly turn around to met his eyes. "I- some guy ripped up my drawing after threatening you- or me. I d-don't really know." I Studer out. The truth would get me farther than lying to him in this situation. He always new what to do. He pulls me into a hug when he sees my panic state. "Bella." He asks calmly, to calmly. "Please, d-don't st-."

"Tell me their names, I won't ask you again." He says sternly and with a harsher tone. I hug him tighter. "I only know one of their names, Justin, but he didn't do anything. It was his friend that was mean." I quickly state.

"Don't worry about him no more, okay?" I look up at him face. His tone was back to normal but I could still see the fire in his eyes.

"Okay, can I fix my drawing now?" He pulls away from the hug and looks at the misshapen drawing. There were some holes in it. 

"I can't find all the pieces but I at least it's not on the floor ripped up anymore." I make a joke lighting the mood. I could practically feel his anger still. It wasn't long before we were ready to go. He hold his hand out for me to take. 

I quickly place my hand in his. He gives a light squeeze. My hand automatically pulls away. He looks at me with a worried glance. I try to hid my now burning hand but he grabs my wrist and forces me to show him it. "Bella, what the fuck happened?" He asks harshly and with a grip just as hard. When I didn't say anything he forces my head up and looks me in the eyes with an intense glare. "If you don't start speaking on your own, I'll have to force you. " He warns. 

"I -I tried calling you earlier but the guy, the same guy who destroyed my homework, grab my hand and squeezed it a little to hard." If he wad mad before than he looks murderous right now. "He touched you?" He whispers put. 

I nod my head yes. He quickly pulls out his phone and dials a number I've never seen before. He kisses my hand gently while he speaks. I rested my head on his shoulder when he leads on a table. It wasn't long before he hangs up with a loud "I don't care how valuable he is to you. I want him locked up in the warehouse by 8 pm."

I wasn't listening to closely so I didn't get the full story. "Let's get you so ice for your hand, Bella" He hold my uninjured hand and interlocks it with his. 

He leads me to the nurses office, which is where we were told we can stay here until class is over. My hand was swelling pretty badly but Levi seemed to know what do to. He always does.


tysm for 71 reads!! ❤❤❤

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