Honey bee murder

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I got into my car, turned on the engine and started playing my favorite playlist before driving home. I was hanging out at my sister's house today. I haven't seen her a while so it was good to check up.

My boyfriend should be home by now and I want to surprise him by showing up a day earlier than expected. He seemed really upset when I had to leave so I hope my sister's chocolate cake makes him feel better. I parked my car in the garage and turned off my car. I picked up my bag and jacket. 

I would have to come back for the cake. I didn't bother with getting the house key because he usually only left the door locked when I wasn't home. 

"Honey bee? Are you here?" I called when didn't see any signs of him. I placed my bag and jacket on the kitchen table and walked up stairs. I noticed a puddle of blood at the top of the stairs. I quickly ran up the stairs expecting the worst. I called his name a few times. 

There was a trail of blood from the stairs all the way to one of our storage rooms. I followed the trail all the way to the end of the hall way. 

The door was cracked a little but I could still see my boyfriend. Leo, on top of a man repeatedly punching him in the face. He was spitting blood all over the previously sparkly clean room. 

He looked completely dead. There were 3 other men in the room loaded with guns. Abruptly, Leo stood up and one of the men handed him a gun. He was covered in blood from head to toe. It would've been easier to find a spot that wasn't coated in the thick liquid. The smile on Leo's face was dark and twisted. I've never seen such an evil smile before, especially not on my caring boyfriend. I have never been so scared of him before. Leo pointed the gun right at the half dead man before speaking. 

" You threatened her life, so it's just natural for me to take yours." he then let out 2 gun shots, both hitting him in the head and face. I placed my hands on my mouth to keep myself from making any noise but it was to late. I let out a small yelp that seemed to get the attention of not only the 3 mystery men but my boyfriend Leo as well. We made eye contact through the crack in the door. Immediately the satisficed smile went away and was replaced with a worried expression. He quickly handed the man his gun and step over the now dead man. He was cautiously walking over to me. 

I felt a rush of energy go through my body and I took off toward the stairs. I heard heavy foot steps behind me but I kept moving forward. I grab the door handle and pulled it but it was forced closed by a thick arm. I turned around and came face to face with Leo. A sudden chill went down my back as he placed both hands by my head. "Please let me explain, please, honey bear." he said using the pet name he gave me. It still made my stomach full of butterflies and he knew that. I put my hands up to my face when I felt tears fall from my eyes. He pulled me into a hug. 

He was holding me tightly and despite the blood I find myself Hugging him just as hard.  

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