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Your boots hit the ground as you climbed out of your car. You stared off into the distance of the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers in your hand. You took a deep breath before walking toward her gravestone.

You just stared at it for a second before sitting down in the grass. "Hi." You said and sadly smiled at the stone.
"I know it's been a while, uh" You took a deep breath. "I admitted myself." You let out a breath and quickly looked up at the sky. "It still doesn't sound real, it's sounds crazy actually. I was so unwell I had to admit myself." You looked down at the bouquet in your hand. "But, uh, I got help... like I promised you."

You started gently playing with the flowers in your hand, avoiding looking directly at the stone. "I'm doing better now. I, uh, I don't know if Dave has visited recently, I hope he has. But considering you don't have flowers by you, I'm assuming he can't bring himself to come here." You looked up at the stone and just took a deep breath. The silence killed you. "I'm sorry."

Tears began to line your eyes. "I still hate myself for what happened to you. I still miss you everyday. All I wanna do is call you." A tear fell and you looked down again at the flowers. "I'm so sorry, Krystal."

You placed the flowers under the stone and took a deep breath. "I don't think things will ever be the same between Dave and I. I mean, I don't expect them too, but I miss him, y'know." You whimpered and looked up, trying to avoid the waterfall that was bound to happen. "This fucking sucks."

You stayed there for a while, just sat by her grave. You eventually mustered up the energy to leave. "I love you." You kissed your hand and placed it on the engraved stone. You got up and wiped your pants off before walking off toward your car.

You opened the front door to your home and locked it behind you. Most of your stuff was still in boxes, you didn't have a lot of time on your hands with your new job. You had the day off today so you decided to try to finish it all today.

You changed into something more comfy— sweatpants and a tank top, and began opening all the boxes and putting everything away, making your house feel like a home.

You were so happy to be in your own house, surprisingly you did miss living with Derek though, you didn't know if it was Derek or just the fact you were living with someone.

You heard your phone ringing from the living room. You walked over to the kitchen and saw Penelope's name on your phone. You smiled to yourself as you answered.

"Hey, Pen."

"Hi, sugar!" Her sweet voice was like music to your ears. "I was just calling to check on you."

You paused for a second. "Well, I brought Krystal flowers this morning and ran some errands for the house, now I'm unpacking the rest of the boxes." You explained as you leaned against the counter. "What are you up to?"

"How sweet." She chimed. "I'm stuck here bored out of my mind. The crime fighters are away on a case, and apparently no one needs my brains right now." She said with humor in her tone.

You softly chuckled. "Sounds boring, at least you get a break though."

"True." She paused. "They should be back early tonight, maybe I can come over and help you decorate?"

You smiled to yourself. "Sounds like a plan, except, I think you'll be slightly disappointed with my idea of decorations."

She let out a sweet giggle. "Don't worry, my expectations are very low."

"Then I'll see you tonight."

"It's a plan!" She hung up.

You put your phone down and just stood there for a moment with a small grin plastered on your face before continuing to unpack.

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