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You went back to Derek's and laid in bed for hours just letting your thoughts take over. As time passed you finally got yourself up and got ready to go out.

You put on black skinny jeans and a dark blue lace corset body suit. You put on some little black sandals. You haven't taken your boot off in a while but you thought one night couldn't hurt. You did some light makeup and you took your time doing it. You haven't actually gotten ready or taken time to take care of yourself in so long. You put some loose curls in your hair and walked out into the living room.

"Look at you, mama." Derek said with a smirk.

You playfully rolled your eyes and chuckled. "Shut up."

He chuckled. "No, seriously you look good."

"Thank you." You offered him a soft smile.

He opened the door for you and you both left together.

You pulled up to the club and he opened the car door for you. You climbed out of his car and followed him into the club. The second the door opened you were overwhelmed with lights and music blasting.

Derek leaned into your ear. "Rossi got us a table." He said.

You simply nodded before following him to the table.

You walked up some stairs and there was a table with a bunch of chairs and benches with a railing overlooking the bar. The music was a little quieter up here since you were farther from the speakers.

"The party's here!" Derek exclaimed as you both walked up the stairs.

Everyone looked at you with smiles.

"Oh my god, y/n! You look great." JJ said.

You offered her a soft smile. "Thank you. So do you."

She mirrored your smile.

You looked over the railing and back at the team. "Did Rossi rent a table or the whole upper floor?" You asked with humor in your voice.

"You know how Rossi is." Emily said.


A waiter passed you with a tray of shots. He handed them out to everyone including you. You thanked him and everyone held their shot in the air.

"To a happy ending!" Derek said.

Everyone's cheered their small glasses and threw back the shots. You felt the heat go down your throat and immediately knew how this night was gonna go.

Everyone made disgusted faces at the taste of the liquor but yours remained straight.

"How the hell did you take that so well?" JJ questioned.

You shrugged and gave her a soft smile.

Many shots later the team moved down to the dance floor and you followed them. You were fucked up now to say the least. You danced with everyone until a guy came up to you. You immediately were taken back by how attractive he was but you couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or not.

He put his hand out and you accepted. He pulled you closer to him and you began to dance with him. You knew if anyone was seeing this right now they were definitely finding entertainment in it, especially Derek.

You danced with him for a while until things got heated. His hands were all over you and he started to lay soft kisses on your neck. You accepted them by letting your head fall back as your whole body tingled. His lips traveled to your face and then your lips. You rubbed up on each other as his tongue fought for dominance over yours.

unhinged | penelope garcia x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon