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Penelope left early this morning, you made yourself a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast before sitting down and watching some TV.

Penelope called you when she got home and you talked on FaceTime for a little bit. Your feelings for her grew stronger, you didn't think it was possible but it happened. You really did love her.

You spent the day at the beach taking in the sun, it was kind of lonely without her but at the same time you enjoyed the quiet, you haven't had time to yourself since you moved and got away from everything. You couldn't believe this was your life now but you couldn't be happier.

The sun set and you were cuddled up on your couch watching a show, your body freshly sun burnt. The sound of the waves crashing in the background from the ocean were perfect and for the first time your life felt complete. You stayed like that for a while before everything went downhill.

Your TV went black, like it had turned off. You grabbed the remote and started clicking the on and off button but the screen was still black. Static appeared and started making the loud crackling noise. As you turned the volume down your TV turned back on but not to the show you were watching. It was a black and white stream into a room, it looked like a hotel room. It took you a second to register what you were looking at but then you saw it. Penelope sitting at a desk, typing away. You sat up from the couch. "What the-" You muttered to yourself.

Then her two computers went black. She sat up from her chair. "Oh my god." You said to yourself. You grabbed your keys and phone and ran out that door. You locked your front door and ran into your car, you started it and threw it into drive so fast. You called Hotch.

"Y/n, this really isn't a-"

"Aaron, listen to me." You cut him off. "Someone just hacked into my TV a-and it was a live stream into Penelopes room. Her computers went out and- oh my god- Where are you guys?!"

"Y/n, you need to calm down."

"Aaron, I know about the case you guys are dealing with, the replicator guy, how he's been stalking you. I know everything— so I am not gonna calm down." Your voice was stern but you were holding back tears,  You were flying. Swerving thru what little cars were on the road at this time.

"We're in New York."

You exhaled air that you felt like you've been holding since you left. "Thank god. Send me your exact location, I'll be there soon."

"Understood." He hung up.

You were down to about ten minutes, you cut off a lot of time from the dangerously high speed you were driving.

Your phone started ringing and your eyes shot to the screen in your car, Hotch's name popped up and you hit the answer button so hard.

"I sent you everything." He said.

"Good. Is everyone else okay?"

"We still haven't heard from JJ or Strauss."

"Oh my god." You practically whispered to yourself. "What happened tonight?" You asked, your voice at normal volume.

"We had suspicions he might be on the inside, but everyone had already went to their hotel rooms for the night." He said. You heard the sounds of New York City from his end. The beeping of cars and ambulances in the distance.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten."

"Okay." He hung up.

You were approaching the hotel they were all staying at, you slowed down a little by now of course, and then you spotted Hotch, Rossi and Derek all standing outside of a building. You pulled right in front, threw the car in park and hopped out. They were already looking at you and you practically ran over to them.

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