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You get dressed and fix your hair before putting the slightest bit of my mascara on trying to make yourself feel better about yourself. You take a glance at your hands that are still red and very bruised.

Your phone starts ringing. You answer it without looking at the name. "Hello?" You say.

"Hi." She said with the sweetest voice. "I was just calling to check up on you."

"Hey.. Yeah, um, I'm alright. I-I just, um," You take a deep breath. "I keep staring at the alcohol cabinet."

"Do you wanna come by the office?" She asked.

"I don't wanna bother you, I'll be fine, it's fine everything's f-fine. I, uh, I gotta go, bye." You quickly hang up the phone.

You open the cabinet and stare at all the handles you have. You grab everything and display it all over the counter top. Your hands are shaky and you feel yourself loosing control. You feel your chest become heavy and breathing is becoming more difficult.

You haven't had a panic attack in months. Every time you feel one you destroy everything around you to calm yourself down.

You slam on the counter and quickly grab your keys and run out the door. You quickly crawl into your car and start driving.

You drive to a place you used to come to all the time. It's a cliff with beautiful scenery of the mountains. You get out of your car and slowly walk up to the ledge. You  sit down and just stare. Taking in everything around you while thinking. But this time you're not thinking about the past 10 months of your life, you're thinking about Penelope. How she would react if you did something to yourself, how she would blame herself. You don't wanna live this life anymore but you don't wanna hurt her. Your care and protectiveness is deeper than you make it seem. You don't know what it is, but there's something about her that makes you want you to keep living.

Your daze is interrupted by a car door being shut.

"Y/n?" She calls out.

You look behind you to see Penelope standing back. She seems nervous. "W-What are y-" She cuts herself off. She seems extremely on edge.

"I didn't come here to do anything bad, Pen." You say calmly.

She lets out a breath as if she's been holding her breath. She puts her hand over her heart.

"Come here." You say, turning around.

You hear her footsteps and feel you her standing behind you. "I'm, uh, I don't like heights." She says. You look up at her and she's shaking her head. She makes eye contact with you and you reach your hand out. "It's not scary, I promise." She takes a second before nodding her head and very slowly sitting down next to you.

"It's nice, right?" You say.

"It's beautiful." She says, softly.

You both just sit there in silence, admiring the view.

"Why did you come? How did you even..." You break the silence. You feel her eyes on you. "You hung up the phone frantically, I got nervous. I pinged your phone and I saw you here and I got scared, so, I-I came."

You made eye contact with her and simply nodded.

You look away from her again. "Everyone thinks I'm a ticking time bomb." You say quietly. "We just care about you. I care about you." She said.

There was a moment of silence. "You know," You took a deep breath. "You saved me." You said softly.

Her silence was a prompt for you to continue.

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