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                            three months later

You've spent a total of seven months in here. You were supposed to be released two months ago as the doctors and nurses all agreed you were ready until you had a panic attack and broke down and when they tried sedating you, you fought— and you fought hard.

They made you stay longer and put you on even more meds. You're taking a total of five meds now. You hated that you had to take pills to feel okay, but it's what you needed to do. Or else, you would be here for the rest of your life.

The team visited you when they could but after your incident your visitation rights got suspended for a while. Penelope called you often but you could tell she just wasn't doing well without you. Derek even told you so. She was having bad nightmares and her anxiety attacks didn't subside. She got into therapy but that didn't help much. Derek mentioned trying to convince her to go on meds for her anxiety but she refused.

You hated being caged up in here and you missed Penelope dearly. You craved her every second and all you wanted to do was hold her and never let go.

And finally, today you were being discharged.

You packed your bags as quick as possible. This was the first time your door was left open for you to go and come as you please. You made your way downstairs to get your belongings that were held from you and went to the front desk.

She greeted you with a smile. "Signing out?" She asked.

"Yeah." You softly smiled.

"Just sign this paper." She slid you a piece of paper and a pen. "And then you're free to go."

You signed it and gave it back to her. "Thank you."

"Stay away from here, okay?"

You nodded and softly smiled. "Okay."

She softly smiled and waved. "Good luck!"

You turned around and walked out of the building. You took a deep breath as you walked out. You saw Derek's truck parked out front and he walked around the truck and opened the door for you.

He smiled at you. "There she is!"

You placed your bags down and ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground and held you tight.

"I am so proud of you." He whispered. He let you go and started taking your bags into the truck.

You climbed into the passenger seat.

He got into the drivers seat and looked over at you. "Are you excited to be back?" He asked.

You let out a puff of air. "You have no idea."

He smiled and started driving away.

He pulled up to his house and put the car in park. "I'm glad my roommates back. I cleaned the place up for you." He said.

You looked over at him and smiled. "I missed it too."

He got out of the truck and opened the door for you before taking all of your bags out of the truck. "Go ahead, it should be open." He said.

You walked up to the door and opened it.

"Surprise!" The whole team surrounded a banner that said "Welcome home" on it.

You smiled and stepped inside. You felt Derek walk up behind you and you turned back to him. "You did this?" You asked.

"No. She did."

When he said that Penelope came walking in with a tray of cupcakes in her hand and a huge smile on her face.

You smiled as she stood in front of you. "Pen."

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