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two months later

You just walked into your front door, shoving your suitcases aside and shutting the door behind you. You just took a deep breath.

You've spend the last two months traveling the world, you hadn't really stayed in touch with anyone as much as you would've liked as you barley had reception. You and Penelope called each other here and there but every phone call seemed more and more off, like something wasn't right. You thought maybe she was just upset you were gone so long, maybe she just missed you. But then, your mind started to wander. What if she lost feelings? Did she have feelings to begin with or was this another platonic relationship like she has with Derek. You drove yourself crazy but you tried not to dwell on it for too long as you wanted to enjoy yourself.

You had an amazing time adventuring the world. You went cliff diving, scuba diving, you went on long boat rides, walked thru different towns— big and small, swam with dolphins. You just had the most amazing time. You even met some great people. You knew when you came back you planned to go to Virginia and visit everyone, maybe even stay a while. You bought multiple little souvenirs for everyone from all around the world.

You also took some time to think, you've been really missing the BAU and your time as an agent. As much as it ate away at you until you felt like there was nothing left, it was such a big part of your life and you really did miss it. You would never admit how much you miss it to anyone, of course. You even booked your flight to Virginia two weeks earlier than it originally was booked for. You were leaving next week for Virginia and you couldn't be more excited. You walked into your living room and opened the sliding glass doors to the porch, letting the fresh air pour in. You pulled out your phone and called Penelope.

"Hi!" She answered, sweetly.

You softly smiled to yourself. "Hey, Pen. I just got home."

"Good. How was it?" She asked.

"Amazing, I can't wait to tell you all about it. I miss you, a lot." You said.

There was a small pause before she responded. "I miss you, too."

You furrowed your brows a little, you didn't know if you were being irrational but something was up with her.

"I'll call you later Pen, okay?"

"Okay. Bye my love."

You softly smiled to yourself. "Bye." You hung up.

There was two hard knocks at your door. Your head shot to the door and you slowly walked up to it before slowly opening it.

A man was standing at your door with a satchel crossed on his body. His smile was eerie. "Hi, y/n."

"Who are you?" You asked.

"You don't invite a guest inside? How rude." He shook his head.

Your mouth was agape and you just stared at him. "Do I, uh, know you?" You asked.

"Not exactly." He pushed his way into your home. Your eyes followed him as he walked past you and just looked around your house. "Beautiful place you got for yourself, really an upgrade." He said, still turned facing away from you.

You just stood there you had no idea what to say or do.

"Thank you." You said.

And that's when it hit you.


What the hell is this guy talking about.

He finally turned around to face you. "Y'know," He smiled. "I've been watching your team for a while."

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