Chapter 19 : Gentlewoman's Agreement

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The rich aroma of tamped espresso mixed with the faint scent of paper and ink from the documents scattered across the table in one of the villa's biggest room. R'bonney worked diligently at the small coffee corner, her hands maneuvering the espresso machine with precision before pouring a shot at a small cup and served it to her boss.

Anntonia sat at the head of the long table, her gaze fixed on the intricate pattern of the wooden surface before her. Despite the aroma of good espresso and the discussions swirling around her, her mind was elsewhere.

"Ann," Anchilee's voice broke through Anntonia's reverie, pulling her back to the present moment. She blinked, refocusing her attention on her director of operations.

"Huh? Oh...sorry," Anntonia murmured, offering a slight smile as she straightened her back in her chair.

Anchilee raised an eyebrow, her gaze searching the villa owner with mild concern. "Everything alright?", she leaned in and whispered.

Anntonia nodded, though the faint furrow of her brow betrayed her inner turmoil. "Yes, yeah, I... I just thought about something. Carry on."

Anchilee nodded and resumed speaking. "So with all the adjustments proposed by each division, we expect to roll-out the first invites in five to six months — that would be next spring or summer".

Anntonia leaned forward, her mind now fully present as she forced herself to push aside her distractions and focus on the matters at hand.

"Five months?" Anntonia snickered. "Christmas is around the corner. We have to push for at least a January launch".

Michelle, in deep thought, raised a pen. "I'd love nothing more than to open in the first quarter next year, but I don't think we'll be ready. Besides, wouldn't it better to stage a grand event during the Tuscan summer?"

Anchilee looked at Anntonia. "It is feasible. We can add more time to the preparations to be sure. We do have the budget for it".

"No". Anntonia replied sternly. "We don't want to waste our funds on operating without sales. That money could be used to pump up employment expansion once the ball gets rolling".

Michelle gritted her teeth in frustration, her patience for her business partner was slowly becoming thin. "We need more time, Anntonia. In five months, most of the rooms here would still be bare. How can we open by then?"

Anntonia shook her head. "Being incompetent at your job is not my problem, Michelle. You wanted to take design and renovation, then make sure you follow the deadline. You obviously don't know a thing about running something like this. We open in January".

Michelle chewed the insides of her cheek, she thought about yelling at Anntonia so hard for trying to shame her in front of the rest of their team.

Anchilee glanced between the two women, sensing the rising tension in the room. "Ann, with all due respect, I think I'm with Michelle on this one — we cannot open in January. It would put so much strain to everyone working here and we might compromise great reviews and experience simply because we rushed. We haven't even decided on who should head the food and beverage department. Perhaps we could consider a compromise?" She suggested tentatively.

Michelle's eyes brightened at Anchilee's suggestion, recognizing it as a potential middle ground.

Anntonia hesitated for a moment before surrendering to her friend's suggestion. "Fine—-but we need to ensure that the delay will not deplete fifty percent of our revolving fund. Moraya —"

"Yes, Ann?" The pretty blonde perked up. Flipping a side of her hair.

"Kindly keep an eye on the budget triple time. Make sure we don't get to spend more than two million before June".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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