Chapter 13 : A Foot Forward

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"I think he likes you". Luca, the youngest of the Bertinelli brothers smirked at Celeste. The woman smiled back and tucked in a strand of her brown hair. She casually slid the smooth curved edge of a wine glass against her moisturized lips — she likes the attention she has been getting so far. Most of the men at the party wanted to speak with her.

"I think everybody here likes you. Goddamn, Celeste even my brother has a crush on you". Luca laughed.

"Don't say that! Alberto's like a brother".

"Ouch!" Luca pressed his chest. "I cannot wait until he hears that in person — but seriously, I think Mathew likes you".

The Filipina-Italian took a quick look at the tall man Luca was talking about. Mathew waved at them and grinned like a cat — Celeste found it charming though.

She waved back.

"He is cute".

"So you like him?" Luca leaned forward. Curiosity and excitement were visible in his dark hazel eyes.

"Well—I—I don't know him that well to tell if I like like him, Luca. But, he's kind — okay, yeah, he is cute".

Luca pointed at Celeste. "Ah!"

The Filipina-Italian threw her head back. Her laughter's vibration drew a warm sensation throughout her throat. The boldness of the Italian wine made Celeste free from her worries — at least for a while.

"You got me there".

"As always..."

Luca smiled kindly at the beautiful woman in front of her. "It's nice to finally see you after so many years".

"Yeah, it is nice to be back. You guys make it feel like I never really left". Cele breathes in deeply, admiring her surroundings. Virgi didn't lie when she said Alberto throws the best parties in town. The party had an array of food that were spread on the buffet table, bottles of wine, outdoor lights were well distributed throughout the brother's family villa, and there's even a live band entertaining all guests.

Celeste sighed heavily. "It's just unfortunate now that I'm settling in, you and Alberto are leaving. That's is not fair, Luca".

"I'll visit once in a while". He takes his friend's hand. "I'll make sure to see you. Text me where you are".

"But you're a big shot now. All fancy, ready to move to Lombardy. Why would you go back to the province?" The woman teased.

"Hey, there you are!" Virgina made her way to sit beside her cousin. "What are you both up to?"

"I was telling Luca that it's unfair he's leaving me. I won't have anybody in the next few weeks! You're all leaving". Celeste pouted.

"Aw, Cele".

"You can hang out with Mathew". Luca grinned. "I've got a feeling you'll get along just fine".

"Oh my God!" Virginia covered her lips. Giggling after shifting her gaze towards the person they were talking about.

"You're crushing on Mat?" Virgi whispered before squealing. "I knew it! He is cute!"

Rolling her eyes, Cele couldn't help but blush and smile. She really did like Mathew. After being introduced by Luca a few hours ago, the two talked for an hour. Celeste found out that he works for the developer who bought the villa, and she shared a lot of similarities with the man. Both of them were half-Filipino, grew up looking up to their mom, they love dogs, and had a strong urge to work hard so they can provide well for their mother — who both sacrificed a lot to raise them well.

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