Chapter 15 : Moonlit Road

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"Damn it". Michelle paced back and forth in the room, her thoughts racing faster than her steps. She questioned whether she had pushed too hard, perhaps making Celeste feel uncomfortable.

Curiosity fueled her desire to know more about the mysterious woman who seemed to carry a heavy burden. Determined to fix what she did, Michelle walked out of the room. She searched for the Italian woman, but was surprised to see her new business partner instead – Anntonia, normally composed, rushed her way towards a nearby bathroom.

Concern etched across Michelle's face, she decided to follow Anntonia and waited for a while until the former hotel heiress opened the door.

"Jesus Christ!" Anntonia yelled, both her hands grasping her chest. "What the fuck were you doing?"

"My bad..." Michelle winced.

Ann shook her head and was about to walk away when Michelle's hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Care to have a word?"

"Not tonight. I'm exhausted. We can talk business tomorrow. I'm going back to the hotel in a while". Anntonia continued to walk away.

"Were you crying?" The Asian heiress said causing Ann to stop in her tracks.

"I saw you trying to avoid the other guests". Michelle went near the former Isrotel heir. "What's going on, Anntonia?"

Ann turned to Michelle, her normally serene eyes now flickered with cold anger. "I don't need your concern, Michelle. Just let it be". Anntonia retorted, the words dripped with intensity that sent shivers down Michelle's spine, but the Asian heiress wasn't going to back down.

"Look, I know you don't like me—I seriously do not have a problem with you, but we're co-directors of this villa now. I can't just watch this team crumble without having a clue what shit is looming over us. If you want this villa to be more than a success, I have to know what's going on. Something's clearly bothering you. Let me help."

Anntonia's jaw tightened, and her gaze became a storm of emotions – a mix of resentment, frustration, and an underlying sadness that she was fighting so hard to conceal. It was a glimpse into a secret world she wasn't ready to share with someone like Michelle.

"Just because you have close majority of my company's shares gives you the right to pry into some things. Keep your paws out of my personal business. You want us to work well together? Well, some things are better left unsaid," Anntonia spat out, her voice sharp as a blade. "I'm leaving".

"Wow! You reputation really precedes you. My mistake for trying to be more human and actually trying to care".

Anntonia scoffed, "Understand this – my personal life is none of your concern, okay? Stick to the business we agreed upon. If you can't handle that, maybe you should reconsider your involvement in this project".

The ex heiress turned on her heel, leaving Michelle annoyed, her mouth slightly parted in disbelief. "Fine! Be the ice queen as if I care!" The Asian heiress yelled, but Ann simply kept walking away.

"What a bitch.... Hot mo nga, napakasungit naman, jeez", she muttered.

Frustrated and upset with how her night was turning out, Michelle walked out of the villa as well — seeking solace from the cold Tuscan wind. As she walked near the path to the vineyard, she noticed two figures engrossed in conversation. A man was consoling a woman, their hushed voices carried by the gentle breeze. Michelle couldn't help but eavesdrop.

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