Chapter 8 : Immediate Decisions

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Anntonia awoken with a throbbing head and the persistent ache of regret. Her gaze landed on Irfan, still naked beside her, a stark reminder of the choice she had made last night. She eased out of bed, her body protesting the torment of the evening before.

In the bathroom, she gazed at her reflection in the pristine mirror. Her makeup, once flawless, now bore the evidence of her disheveled state. A trembling hand reached for a cotton pad, and she began to cleanse her face. Her movements were rough, as if she wanted to scrub away the guilt that clung to her like a second skin.

Midway through, tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision. She clung to the cotton pad, her fingers trembling as they swiped across her face. Her sobs echoed in the bathroom's marble-clad room— a sound of her own betrayal.

Her lamenting was cut off by her phone — vibrating from inside her purse that she kept on one of the drawers under the sink.

It was Anchilee.

"Where the hell are you?! I've been trying to call you since last night!!"

"Sorry...I had—"

"I don't care wherever you are, but get your pretty ass to the office right this moment! I've got some amazing news that would throw your socks off".

Anntonia's eyes widened. She feared what was coming.

"Hello?? Ann? Anntonia, hello?!"

"I'll be there in a few hours. I need to fix up". The former heiress sniffled.

"Wait—are you crying?"

"No, allergies. It's been bugging me since last night. I actually don't feel well today". She half-lied.

"Oh no, no, no! You cannot be sick today! Come on". Anchilee pleaded on the other end.

"I'll meet you at the office in a couple of hours". Anntonia didn't even wait for Anchilee to reply. She pressed the end call button as soon as possible.

She breathed out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes.

"Fuck", Ann whispered. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" The ex-heiress slammed the marble tiles with her hand before getting her clothes to cover her nakedness. She tiptoed her way out of the bathroom and into the main door of Irfan's hotel room.

Anntonia was lucky that the man was deeply asleep or else she would have a hard time escaping her ex-boyfriend.

She quickly made a beeline down to the lobby to grab a taxi which would take her to her apartment. And as soon as she was home, Ann threw everything in the sofa and went straight to her own bathroom to wash her entire body — cleaning the filth from the night before.

Anntonia was drying herself with a fluffy towel when her doorbell rang. She hurriedly wore a robe and made her way downstairs, checking her security camera to see who was disturbing her peace.

It was Anchilee, but this time, her close friend was with Moraya. She knew it was an urgent matter if her friend directly made her way to her house instead of waiting for her in the office.

She opened the door and was surprised to see the huge grin on the women's faces.

"We got it!" Anchilee yelled and pushed herself inside Anntonia's house, followed by Moraya.

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