When that one person asks the forbidden question

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Wa waa waaa

Nico: Sigils

Sigils: What do you want?

Nico: Why do we need school?

Sigils: What level of idiot are you exactly?

Nico: Hear me out, Si-

Sigils: Okay, when're else are you going to learn English and grammar?

Nico: Why does it matter? Everything's shortened anyway.

Nico: Brb, lol, idk, ikr, gg, asap

Sigils: Alright, what about geography?

Nico: That's why we have these things *spins a globe*

Sigils: History?

Nico: They're all dead.

Nico: Ever heard of, 'let the past be the past'?

Sigils: Learning how to write?

Nico: Texting.

Sigils: Learning other languages, like Spanish?

Nico: Three words.

Nico: Dora. The. Explorer.

Sigils: Music class?

Nico: Spotify, YouTube, take your pick.

Sigils: Drama class?

Nico: Are you serious? You ever heard of this thing called TikTok?

Henwy: Should we stop this?

Biffle: Nah.

Biffle: Let him cook.

(Most iconic line ever)

Sigils: You've got to be kidding me...

Sigils: What about science?

Nico: This is the only science I need to know.*puts mentos in coke and explodes but doesn't even care about getting wet*

Sigils: Sports?!

Nico: VR. And the good old wii!

Sigils: How.

Sigils: About.

Sigils: Math.

Nico: *im about to ruin this guy's whole career*

Nico: *slams calculator on the table*

Sigils: *falls off chair*

Henwy: Should we help him?

Biffle: Nah.

Biffle: Let him cook.

(I had to do it again I'm sorry XD)

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