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Henwy's parents love story-

Hazel: Harold, there's something you need to know...

Harold: You know you can tell me anything, Hazel

Hazel: Are you sure?

Harold: Yes! I will soon be your husband, remember?

Hazel: Okay, the thing is...

Hazel: ...I only see you as a friend

Harold: A-A FRIEND?!


Hazel: No, wait! I still want to marry you but... as a friend!

Harold: But what about the chil-

Hazel: Harold, we can still have a child but you know... as friends

Harold: And how exactly is that supposed to work? ;-;

Hazel: We'll make it work

Harold: Are you sure?

Hazel: Trust me

Back in the present

Henwy: So... does that mean I'm adopted?

Harold: No, it means that you are created.

Henwy: ...

Henwy: You could have just adopted a child, father!

Harold: Too late...

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