Truth or dare

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Nico: Alright Sigils, truth or dare

Sigils: Dare, go for it

Nico: I dare you to wear your hat backwards

Sigils: No... *groans and does it anyway*

Nico: Alright Henwy it's your turn

Henwy: Truth or dare

Nico: Dare

Henwy: I dare you too...

Henwy: Not exist


Nico: What-

*Nico is no longer in existence*

Biffle: Where'd he go?!

Henwy: Sigils... truth or dare?

Sigils: No!

Biffle: It's not your go anymore!

Henwy: Truth...

Henwy: Or DARE?

Sigils: Truth! I-I pick truth!

Henwy: Is it true that...

Henwy: You don't exist?

Sigils: WHAT?! NO-

*Sigils is no longer in existence*

Biffle: *scared Biffle noises*

Henwy: Biffle...

Biffle: *whispers to himself* Oh god please no

Henwy: Truth or dare?

Biffle: I don't wanna die (x3)


Biffle: DARE! OKAY!

Henwy: I dare you to put your glasses on upside down! ^v^

Biffle: O-okay...

Biffle: *puts his glasses upside down*

Henwy: And if you ever fix them

Henwy, with his nerf gun: I'll fucking kill you

Biffle: AH!

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