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Zud: How could you do this to me, Henwy? I'm you best friend. Why would you betray me like this?

Henwy: Will you stop overreacting? It's really not a big deal.

Zud: Not a big deal? It's a huge deal! How can you think it's not?

Henwy: Well, I just couldn't resist, you actually should have expected this of me.

Zud: Whatever you are, I trusted you, you should have stayed loyal to me, or at least spoken to me about it. But instead you went and... with one of our friends out of all people.

Henwy: But he was so handsome and so kind, and trust me, the attraction was definitely mutual. I just couldn't help myself. It's in my nature after all. Besides, it's not really any of your business.

Zud: Not my business? Of course it is!

Zud: (referring to Kate) She's my sister-figure! She's not allowed to date anybody without my permission!

(John and Kate being a romantic couple in the background)

Henwy: Oh, quit being such an overprotective brother-figure.

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