I swallowed a flashlight

108 6 0

I don't know what I'm doing...

Henwy: *reading a book*

Sigils: *playing a game* I'm gonna win Biffle!

Biffle: No you ain't!

Nico: *whistles*

*lights go out*

Nico: *blink blink*

Sigils: *Its the sixth time this week-*

Henwy: *not this again*

Biffle: Damn... the power's out again

Nico: Ah don't worry

Nico: I got this

Nico: *Shakes head vigorously*

*Nico lights up*

Nico: *chuckles*

Biffle: *so cool 🥺*

Sigils: Wha-

Nico: I swallowed a flashlight



Nico: Because I CAN

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