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Sigils: Hey

Biffle: About time

Nico: We've been waiting for you for so long

Sigils: Sorry 'bout that

Sigils: Henwy wouldn't come

Biffle: Why? He's like the cinnamon roll of the group

Sigils: Don't know

Sigils: Garry said he's feeling under the weather

Sigils: But to me

Sigils: It seems like a code red BMH (Bad Mood Henwy)

Nico: Agree to disagree, and Biffle's right, he's never angry, well unless, playing a game then he rage quits-

Sigils: Picture says otherwise

*shows a picture of Henwy death staring SSundee*

Biffle: Oh god

Nico: Poor Ian

Biffle: Is that why he's quivering?

*SSundee in the distance, quivering*

Nico: Seems like it

Nico: How'd you take a picture of Henwy without him noticing?

Sigils: Skill

Biffle: *whispers* Keep telling yourself that

Sigils: *oh how dare you Biffle*

Nico: So about the challenge our producer Ryan gave us-

Sigils: Oh yeah that

Biffle: Ugh this is going to be hard...

Amy, in the distance, eavesdropping their conversation (iykyk)

(read the one shot book and you'll know who)

Amy: *a knife throwing challenge huh? I'll spice things up a little.*


Zud: Are you umm... okay- Henwy...?

Henwy: *deep voice* Does it look like I am?

Zud: N-no...

Zud: S-shall I- l-leave y-you a-alone?

Henwy: Can you do that already?!

Zud: Okay okay I'm sorry!

Back to where we wereee

Amy, with a knife: If anyone talks to my love no one can *aims knife at Henwy*

(No offence to all those named Amy out there)

Biffle: Do you ever feel like someone we care about being targetted

Sigils: Yeah I've been thinking that too...

Nico: Yeah... because Henwy's about to be killed by Amy-

Sigils: WHAT

Henwy: *whistles*


Henwy: *huh?*

Henwy: *Catches knife*

Hey Siri, play NO by Meghan Trainor

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