Regulars funny text messages (ft. Irregulars)

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Nico: Hey!

Henwy: Don't talk to me anymore

Nico: Why?

Henwy: Last night you were so drunk you put my MacBook into the microwave and poured cheese all over it

Nico: Really?!

Henwy: Yeah, you said you were making 'Mac and Cheese'

Sigils: The lake we wish your parents named you after

*lake disappointment*

Henwy: wow thanks

Biffle: Who r u? Someone changed the names in my phone

SSundee: What did they change my name into?

Biffle: The Chosen One

SSundee: Don't change it back


SSundee: Im the Chosen One.

Henwy: Emergency question

Sigils: Ask away

Henwy: Where can I keep a baby goat I impulsively bought


Sigils: ...this is a joke right?

Henwy: *sends a pic* this is Ian I named him after Ian

Zud: We have your kid.

(That kid is Henwy-)

Sigils: What are your demands?

Zud: Are you crazy? This is the daycare! We closed at 5 come get your kid!

Sigils: Dam im trippin'! Omw!

Biffle: Want to bang tonight?

Biffle: I mean hang. Duck auto-cucumber.

Biffle: God donut.

Biffle: How the duck do I turn this off?!

Henwy: It's painful watching you struggle man.

Nico: I'm Hungary

Henwy: Maybe you should Czech the fridge...

Nico: I'm Russian to the kitchen!

Henwy: Is there any Turkey?!

Nico: We have some, but it's covered with a layer of Greece

Henwy: Ew there's Norway you can eat that...

Nico: Please Finnish this

Henwy: But I'm Havana good time!

Biffle: Who else is coming to my party?

JeromeASF: Joe

Biffle: Who's Joe

JeromeASF: Joe Mama

Biffle: Jerome, I'm tired of this...

JeromeASF: Hi tired of this, I'm Jerome

Biffle: I'm serious

JeromeASF: No, you're tired of this

Biffle: Why are you like this?

JeromeASF: No, I'm Jerome

SSundee: Knock knock

Nico: Who's there

SSundee: Where when

Nico: Where when who...?

SSundee: My place, tomorrow, you and me

Nico: Damn smooth

Sigils: How tall are you?

Henwy: 6'2 why?

Sigils: Oh good

Henwy: Yeah?

Henwy: How heavy are you?

Sigils: What?

Henwy: What are the numerical digits that appear on the scale when you proceed to apply your weight into it?

Sigils: Why does that matter?

Henwy: Why did my height matter?

Nico: Country roaaaaaaaaaads

JeromeASF: Take me hoooommmmeeeeeee

Nico: I mean, if you insist

JeromeASF: That's not the words-

JeromeASF: Oh my god

JeromeASF: Wait

JeromeASF: That's the best pickup line I've ever heard

Zud: Is your face McDonald's? Cuz I'm loving it

Biffle: Oh my god 😂

Sigils: I have the best poem

SSundee: Let us see

Sigils: Roses are red

Sigils: Violets are blue

Sigils: Words can't express

Sigils: The way I feel for ya

Henwy: I have a better one

Sigils: Let me hear it

Henwy: Roses are dead

Henwy: Violets are too

Henwy: You suck at poems

Henwy: Find something else to do

Biffle: My IQ is probably 5 times more than yours

Nico: 5 times 0 is still 0

Zud: Turn around!

Zud: In the other direction!

Zud: No! Turn around again!

Biffle: Dude where are you?! I don't see you!

Zud: I'm out of town. But the thought of you aimlessly turning around in circles amused me 😂

Henwy: Yesterday I yote my water bottle thru the hallway

Sigils: Did you just use yeet in the past tense?

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Biffle: In a recording

Maia: Are you in a recording?

Biffle: No why

Sigils: OMG (x9)

Nico: What?


Biffle: OMG WHEN?

Sigils: JUST NOW! We have a date on February 30th!

Henwy: Sigils... there's no February 30th...

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