Irregulars answer trivia questions

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Zud: Why am I here

Westy: It's time to test

Westy: Your friendships with the Regulars


SSundee: Okay...

Westy: Simple rules

Westy: Choose one question from any Regular

Westy: And they'll tell you the question

Westy: And if you get them wrong

Westy: YOU DI-

*We do not tolerate violence here*

Westy: You get shot

Westy: By either a paintball gun

Westy: Or Henwy's nerf gun

Henwy: My what-

Westy: But I'm saving the paintball gun for people who should have known the answer but got it wrong


JeromeASF: Readyyyyy

SSundee: I don't have a choice

Westy: Who wants to go first

Zud: Me please and I would like to choose Biffle

Biffle: Ayyyy

Biffle: How long have I known Sigils?

Zud: I just know it's almost a decade but

Zud: I'm gonna go with 8

Sigils: Impressive-


JeromeASF: I will pick my bestie Sigils

Sigils: Fine

Sigils: Do i have biological parents

JeromeASF: What do you mean? Everyone has biological parents, duh

Sigils: I'm disappointed

JeromeASF: Do you not?

Sigils: I have adoptive parents

Sigils: I literally have a vlog about them

Westy: So...

Westy: Do you want to get shot be a nerf gun or a paintba-

Sigils: Paintball gun

Sigils: I can't believe he doesn't know about it

*i cant write the pain XD*

JeromeASF: Pain

SSundee: I'll go for Nico

Nico: Where was I originally from?

SSundee: Oh come on that's easy it's Canada

Nico: What-

SSundee: I'm kidding it's Peru

SSundee: Get dogwatered XD

Nico: *sighs* correct...

Zud: I feel bad for Henwy imma choose him

Henwy: 🥲

Henwy: When did I join YouTube?

Zud: Uh...

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