manipulating her

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Author's pov-
Lucas was total silent after hearing your question. He did not expect that you would get to know about this relation which ended years ago. Deep down he wished to keep it secret but now he had no other option rather than confessing everything to you honestly. He spoke to you in his calm voice-

“Cherry listen to me very carefully please, there's this side of me which I never wanted to reveal to you ever. Not because i am careless or something but i am scared that you might get hurt if my enemies are alarmed about my relationship with you and they would do anything to hurt you and use you against me. You are the first person who has seen my soft side and finds good in me despite of people trying to tell you that how much worst i am for you. I have never felt this way for anyone baby trust me.
I love you from the depth of my heart, loosing you means that i no longer have the purpose to survive on earth.
Whatever harry has told you is all true, yes i did help his mother and my uncle to ran away together because she deserved happiness that his father couldn't provide her. Harry's father used to beat her because he had alcoholic addiction and needed money 24/7. She found love, comfort in my uncle. My mother never treated me like her own son instead she used to keep me lock and hungry after my father's death, she was completely changed. I found my mother in Harry's mother and she loved me that's my reason for which i helped them. But my friend took it in a wrong way and held grudges against me to destroy me. I am sorry cherry. ”
End of author's pov

Y/n's pov-
I wrapped my arms around him and took him in my embrace. He sobbed in my arms while i rubbed his back to calm down his heavy and shaky breathes. I was overwhelmed today that at this point, my only motive was to make Harry understand that he shouldn't be angry at Lucas and curse his mother when her reason for doing such thing was only to end this suffering of inhumane. After few minutes, he pulled out of the hug and looked up to me with red puffed eyes which made my heart clench. I felt so bad to see him crying this way in my arms when he wasn't even treated good by his own mother. He has faced so much during his childhood but not now. I would burn every hatred and people who tries to hurt him ever.
I kissed him softly to which he responded passionately. “Lucas i believe in you. I love you so much” i whispered softly to him and he smiled while saying “what we feel for each other is beyond the definition of love cherry” my heart was so full of happiness due to his sweet words and calm voice. He was right. What we have is beyond any definition of relationship of people's. I am so proud of him for coping up with such rough situations at such young age.
End of y/n's pov

Lucas's pov-
Damn my little babygirl is so innocent and easy to make believe in truth by twisting words. Right now i need to make sure that she doesn't find out other things related to me which would lead to our separation.

I'll make sure cherry that you won't find out more information regarding my business that'll make you question me or my love for you.”

To be continued soon~~

Her ManipulatorWhere stories live. Discover now