going together

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Author's pov

The sun's rays fell upon the figure of a girl who was sleeping peacefully but got annoyed as the alarm was continuously ringing. Shutting it off, she slowly opened her eyes and made her way to the bathroom to do her morning routine. As she came out wearing her bathrobe, her phone kept buzzing seeing the caller ID a smile formed on her lips as she picked the call up

End of authors pov

Y/n's pov

??- morning princess
Y/n- morning minho
Minho- what are you doing?
Y/n- i was just going to get ready for college, what about you?
Minho- i was thinking that maybe i should pick you up today and we can go together, what say?

I jumped in excitement
Y/n- of course, i would love that. I'll quickly eat my breakfast and call you when i am ready. Bye
Minho- okay bye princess

I was so happy that today minho is coming to pick me, i should get ready or else I'll be late.

Author's pov
Taking a crop top and skirt, you quickly changed and applied some light makeup and ran downstairs to eat your breakfast.

Y/n mom- good morning baby
Y/n- morning mom
Y/n mom- why are you in such a hurry?
Y/n- mom minho is coming to pick me up and i don't want to be late
Y/n mom- ah okay
Giving a peck, you quickly headed out of your house and saw him already leaning on the car gate.
Your heart was beating so fast because he looked so pretty with those glasses on his face.
You walked towards him and he gave you a smile.

Minho- you look so beautiful baby
Y/n- thanks
Minho- someone is blushing
Y/n- aish stop we should leave now.

With that we both headed towards college while chatting with eachother.

Will be continued

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