his dual personality

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Y/n's pov
My eyes slowly fluttered at the sight of Minho sitting next to the bed while his face totally pale and eyes red. Raising my hands to call him out, but couldn't because of the earlier incident that happened. His hazel eyes looked up only to meet my black eyes with so much worries that made my heart ache but keeping it simple. I spoke "minho are you okay-? " Tho the question was not worth asking but i had to clear the awkwardness. As he said "are you kidding me or what? Do you even know how tensed i was after getting the news of you passing out" well i felt it in his voice that just made it more difficult for me to keep my eye contact with him knowing i did nothing wrong but still. "minho am totally fine, look at me it's just weakness" he sighed moreover a disappointed one that he didn't expect me to say this and something else like an apology for staying with Lucas. He spoke again but this time a bit annoyed "y/n i don't know why you can't see the truth that he's not the person whom you think is in love with you or something, he's just using you for his own pleasure trust me-" Lucas didn't let him finish as he threw a punch to him within a second while my eyes widened with shock.
No not here please. My throat dried.
"STOP THE FUCK RN" i shouted to make the male figures from killing themselves in the hospital. I said after taking a breathe "both of you, get out of my room and let me live alone please-" They both exited without any words as i layed down on the bed.
End of y/n's pov

Author's pov
After they both came out of your room, realisation hit them that they were again fighting with each other but that too when you were sick. Silence was spreading across the room when Lucas spoke "What the fuck is your problem, why can't you let us live peacefully? " As Minho turned towards him and said "When you'll stop being such an asshole" both were resisting the urge of not throwing hands on each other as you might would get more affected. Lucas released a sigh of frustration and said "Minho I might not know the exact reason for your hatred towards me when we didn't even know each other that well but if you think of me such low that I will use y/n as my toy and kick her out after I am done using her, then you don't even know me."
Minho felt those words and said "it's just that I am so protective towards her that seeing her in this condition breaks me. Yes, you're right. You just arrived two months and we are already at each other's nerves but seeing her crying like this gets me crazy because I loved her and if you truly love her then protect her like a man and never let tears come to her. "
"so we're good? " Lucas spoke while looking at Minho and in response he got a nod which meant yes. Both shook hands and Minho went out to call someone but what he didn't knew was he was in trouble for using those words to y/n about him and his intentions.

Lucas chuckled darkly and said
"tsk tsk poor boy doesn't even know that he might have just called destruction to himself while shaking hands with him, you'll get to know that I am the Devil. "

After a long break, am back~~~~

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