truth revealed

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Y/n's pov
I reached the location where the stalker called me. My whole body was stressed due to the risk that I took without informing anyone. There were so many intrusive thoughts roaming on my mind which only lead me to another dangerous thought. I knocked on the door. It opened and revealed a man who might be the same age as me or a little older. He spoke “come in miss” walking inside I scanned the room which had a  single bed, a sofa and a very plain paint on the walls. Settling on the sofa, he offered me coffee which i politely accepted but I was eager to know the truth. I softly spoke “may i know you” he smiled a bit and said “well miss y/n you might not know me but i know you very well and your boyfriend lucas-” i think he sensed my worries because my palms were getting sweaty and fear rushed through my body. Shit I shouldn't have come here without letting anyone know about my whereabouts I thought
“Could you please be clear with the concept of you giving me the access that I need about Lucas? ” i let it out in one go. He stood up and said
“Well my name is harry and I've know lucas since quite a long time, we both were best friends but one incident changed everything among us. He might've not told you about his real self but he belongs to the Royal Mafia Family whom everyone fears. Lucas is next to become a mafia as he is already so deadly dangerous to look up to. His father died 3 years ago and now he only has his mother who is still badly hurted by losing her husband. After taking up his father's mafia business, he changed completely. Lucas became more fearless, cold, dangerous for others but for me he remained my best friend who stood by my side. One night, while I came back home my father was sitting and I couldn't spot my mother. I went near my father and asked him about my mom but he started to cry and mumbled something which made my blood boil. He said that my mother ran away with Lucas's uncle because they had an affair going on between themselves. I went straight to lucas to ask him whether he knew about this or not. He said that he was aware about their relationship and also helped them to elope. When I asked him about where they are, he simply refused to tell me. I mean he was my best friend how could he fucking betray me this way by making my mother run away with his asshole uncle. Ever since that day, my only motive was to destroy that person.” As soon as he finished telling me, the croissant and strawberry cake that I had for breakfast was making me sick and at this point I wanted to throw up so badly. My phone started to ring, the caller I'd made me gulp hard as i answered the call with trembling voice and shaking hands as i said

Y/n- hello
Lucas- cherry, where are you? Are you okay? Please tell me I am so worried about you please speak up flower
Y/n- yes i am alright, I'll meet in an hour at the same cafe
Lucas- are you sure? Your voice doesn't sound ok at all cherry ( shit he knows me very well)
Y/n- um no i am fine, I'll meet you ok bye see ya
I ended the call before hearing his response. Getting up from the sofa, I made my way to the door before glancing at Harry who was sitting with straight face. I exited without a word. I need oxygen to breathe.
End of y/n's pov

Author's pov
Lucas was waiting for you and spotting your figure made him relax a bit. He ran towards you and hugged you tightly while running his fingers through your hair and smelled your familiar scent which calmed him down. Pulling out of you, he held your hand and kissed you softly to which you didn't respond this time that made him confuse. He asked you “cherry what happened, did i do something wrong-” he wasn't able to complete as you cut him leaving him numb totally and spoke

Who is Harry Lucas? And what relation do you had with him.

Sorry for coming back after such a long break. I've been quite busy with exams but from now I'll be posting on a regular basis. To be continued soon

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