who are you?

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Author's pov
You turned only to see a worried expression drawn on his face that made you confused as you softly asked him "what happened?" "nothing". But you felt something was off since he wasn't ready to open up you decided to give him some time. Suddenly a message popped up on your phone, it was from your mother.
She said " listen sweetie, i and your father are going out to the relatives so you can stay either at Minho's house or someone closed to you, okay". A smile crept to your lips as you said "lucas?" "yeah" he said in low voice as you said " would mind if i stay at your house for tonight?" hearing this, his eyes grew wider as he quickly nodded a yes making you smile too. Soon you both reached his house and entering the place you really admired the interior design that wasn't too loud and yet pleasant. You heard Lucas saying " let's go to my room and there you can change." You went to his room but forgot that your clothes were at your house. You asked him that whether you could take his shirts to wear, to which he gladly accepted. You went to take a quick shower while taking his shirt.
End of author's pov

Y/n's pov
I wore his shirt and went out while drying my wet hair with a towel. I was standing infront of the mirror when i felt two pairs of arms slid around my waist, it was Lucas. I felt relaxation penetrate through my body with his fragrance that filled my nostrils. He turned me around and made me sit on the bed, taking the towel from my hand. He started to wipe all the water from hair and drying it with so much softness. He's so boyfriend material.
After drying my hair, he kneeled down infront of me and kept his head on my lap as i could feel his tears streaming from his eyes. My heart ached seeing him like this. Cupping his face, he looked up to me with his swollen red eyes as i kissed his eyes. "what happened baby?" i spoke softly to which he replied "my m...o..mother had a heart attack" his sobs were making it difficult for me to keep up with my tears. I made him sit beside me and hugged him tightly and he just brokedown completely, my shirt was getting stained by tears but i kept on rubbing his back for him to breathe properly. His weak state was making me feel pain in my heart. I heard him calming down and he stopped crying before looking at me he wiped his tears. His eyes were holding back so many emotions that he wanted to speak but chose to remain silent. "lucas she will be alright dw okay?" i said as he again hugged me. We both layed on the bed while wrapped his hands around my waist and his head was resting on my chest as my breathes were getting heaved. He drifted to sleep peacefully as i watched him with so much love. His phone started to ring and when I picked up and said hello whose this?

??- i am his fiancee, and you must be y/n that he uses for timepass well tell him i called after he comes okay?
Hearing those words, i quickly cut off the call and switched off the phone. Tears were streaming as i couldn't hold back anymore and removing him to the other side i ran towards the washroom. Locking the door, i crumbled down as my back touched the wall and eyes through which tears were flowing non-stop. I just couldn't accept the fact that he is engaged and just used me for timepass to distract himself, how could he? I thought he loved me but now all seemed to be dreadful scar upon my life. My breathes were getting hitched as those words were continuously revolving around my mind. All those moments meant nothing to him? I didn't know when i sleep on the floor while crying and hugging my knees.
End of y/n's pov

Lucas pov
The sun's rays fell upon my face as i shifted to the other side of the bed but i couldn't find y/n. I quickly opened my eyes and looked for her then i knocked on the bathroom door but it was lock. After a few try, it opened. The view infront of me broke my heart into pieces. My flower was sleeping on the floor hugging her knees with tear- stained cheeks, red swollen eyes. I picked her up and placed her on the bed and i was about to kiss but unfortunately she opened her eyes and pushed me as i got stumbled on my feet. Her eyes were fuming in anger that were making me scare. She quickly changed her clothes and went out of my room as i was standing there still processing what wrong did i do. I chased her and pulled her towards me asking her "flower did i do anything wrong?" she laughed. "You're asking me? How about asking your fiancee" she forced the word last word as i couldn't understand the situation. " listen to me, i only have you in my life and no one else, i love yo-". She lashed out all the words and i was hurted.

"Stop please, i don't wanna hear words that would give me more pain. I thought you loved me but i was a fool to believe in all those sweet words and actions of yours. You just used me for your own distraction, how can you even cheat on both of us? I thought you were different that's why i fell in love with you but now i feel like you're a total stranger, idk
who you are? i don't feel safe here just lemme get out of here and don't you ever dare to show me your face again, i hate you." Tears were flowing from both our eyes, she wasn't ready to listen and i was merely ready to explain in that situation. How can she say that to me. She moved out and i couldn't stop her as i fell on the ground. My whole body started to feel the pain, i was losing her but her words stabbed my chest so hard that i could hardly see anything. Wiping my tears, i stood

Just wait and watch, i will find and kill that girl who tried to come in between us. You can't escape from me cherry, cause you're trapped.

After a long time, phewwww tired~

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