Chapter 65

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When Erik had finally decided it was time to head to bed, it had been around midnight.

It had been a long day - a wet one.
A small smirk played along his lips as he thought about Charles' little prank from before. He knew that the professor only did it for the kids. And to hell with it. They deserved a laugh from time to time. If he was the one that had to suffer for it, so be it.

A hand ran through his hair. The shower before had really done wonders for him. He was quite shaken by the water bath after all.
And also by the glance he had gotten earlier...he reminded himself, thinking back to the half naked form of the woman he desired.

Yes, the shower had helped with that too.

Speaking of, he puzzled, his glance wandering over to the wall to his right.

That had been a lovely moment of this day...

He thought about paying her a visit, yet held himself back.

Walking over to the sofa in the corner, he sat down, leaning his head back again. He should probably come clean with his own thoughts before he just went off to cloud them again.

His gaze wandered over to the pack of cigarettes on the table.

Not inside.

He heard Charles in his head and disregarded him with a low chuckle.

Out of my head, darling.

He knew very well that Charles hated the fact that he was smoking in his room. Or smoking at all. But after all he had seen and been through, Nicotine was the one thing that kept him down and settled at a place as quiet and peaceful as this.

And Charles also knew that if this was the only price he had to pay for Erik to stay, he would gladly accept this one little sin.

Good night, dear. Don't break your head in two...again.

Erik chuckled once again at that. Knowing full well that he had the tendency to do that.

I won't Charles. Now go.

Erik had developed a certain sense for when he was alone in his head.

After so many years of close friendship with the mind reader, that just seemed to come along naturally.

He sighted, exhaling smoke.

Charles had once promised him never to get into his head. And Charles was also one to keep his promises, someone Erik trusted with that. Yet sometimes, when he knew it was just to be comfortable and that no harm was made, he spoke to him.

Whispering sweet nothingness or little advice's into Erik's head.

At times he thought so fondly of him, he completely blocked out the thought of how strong his friend actually was. Powers that proceeded his enormously.

Powers that if he himself possessed them, he would not even know were to begin. Influencing politicians, armies....Yet Charles too much of a good pure hearted being to use his abilities for evil.

The chat he had with that certain man earlier did not leave his mind.

It had been, once again, about a certain assassin. Well. Former.

Was he truly alright with such a thing?

Sharing a woman?

He knew himself well. He could be a jealous man. Probably was a jealous man on a regular basis.

With a frown, he stared into his room again. Leaning his head back against the wall.

Remembering her form beneath his silk sheets. Naked and so very calm on the first night that he had seen her.

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now