Chapter 43

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By now a knock in the middle of the night wasn't anything unusual anymore. 

And as per usual he figured who'd be standing at the other side of it. 

Erik sighted, his eyes drifting over the page of his book, his fingers playing with the paper. 

"Erik?", her voice called softly. 
The kind of call when you try to get someones attention without being to loud. 

Erik thought about it. Thinking hard about what she could possibly want this time. Not that he'd dread it. 

He enjoyed her company and the fact that she mainly came to him with her little problems gave him a warm feeling. 

He couldn't quite put his fingers on it. 

He felt needed, sure, but it was more than that. Not fatherly. Manly wasn't quite the right word either.

But now wasn't the time. 

He still couldn't quite believe that Xavier actually got his shit together and asked her out.

Y/N put her head up against the door. Her forehead touching the cold wood. 

She could feel him. His presence was one she could sense through the whole mansion. 

Her hands hugged the books in front of her chest even tighter. If he's in there and he wasn't answering it meant he didn't want to see her. Maybe she even got on his nerves.

He'd been strange all day. 

Turning her head to the right she glanced along the floor. With it's dark ebony walls and the beautiful soft rug on the ground.
Maybe she could go and asked Charles. 

Erik noticed he hadn't said anything yet. 

Looking up, snapping out of his trance he suddenly fixed his gaze on the door, telling her to come in. His call unanswered. 

"Yes? Come in."
She sighted in relief. Thank god Charles was still up. 

Only her head peaked in, her brows raised. 

"Hey Mister, can we talk for a second?", she asked, in a hushed, whispering tone. 

Charles sat up in his chair the moment he noticed it was her. 

"Uh, Yes! Sure, come in come in, what keeps you up so late at-....uh", he stopped mid sentence as she stepped into full view, closing the door behind her silently. 

She wore her Kimono, that fell in soft velveteen waves, her hair up in a soft bun and tapped through his working room bare food. 

He noticed himself gulping and soon tried to concentrate on what she had to say again. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mister Xavier, I was just, going through the kids reports and was asking myself if, you know, if you'd mind the company.", She laughed quietly, looking at the ground as if she was ashamed, "I...It's strange I know. I just really dread being alone sometimes. At night. If you mind i'll go. I'd just sit somewhere and control these."

Because i don't want to be alone with my own thoughts and might end up frightened to death or with a damn bullet in my he-

"Uh...", he started and she soon looked up, only now noticing her though were not safe.

Charles stared her down, still a bit baffled by her exterior. His thoughts far from reading hers.

Well on the one hand he was rather happy she'd finally found herself getting comfortable - on the other he couldn't get rid of the thought seeing her in his bed like that.

Was that how she usually dressed up before going to sleep? 

He'd never before imagine her home. It made for a lot of room in his wild imagination and again he had to refocus. 

"Of course! Uh I mean, yes, you may.", he gestured to his side, looking up immediately as he heard the door once again.

She sighted. "Thank you Charles, i was really just looking for some company."

"Well. I thought I'd find you here."

Y/N turned around. She only now had noticed that Erik was with them.

"I'm your usual company. Come on so.", he spoke up again. 

Charles glared at him.

Y/N  frowned. 

"I didn't know you were up, Lehnsherr.", she muttered. 

"Well I am.", Erik spoke again. 

As his glance met Charles's the smallest smirk showed on his lips. He could see how unwanted he was and he loved it. 

"Erik. It's fine. She'd just came in and it's perfectly okay. You may go back to sleep.", Charles explained, trying to suppress the anger in his voice. 

-so much about no jealousy, huh? Old friend.- Erik thought.

"Well she knocked at my door FIRST. So....", he spoke out loud.

Y/N frowned even harder. Now she felt bad. Dammit. A moral dilemma. Perfect. So much for her quiet evening. 

"I...Listen I-"

"No no It's fine, Y/N. You can stay.", Charles calmed her, holding his hand out.

"Lovely Charles, and where will she work huh? You pretty much take up all the space on your desk. Mine is still free.", Erik explained. 

"I can make room, No worries. By the way, we don't want to keep you awake now do we? You go back to sleep Erik.", Charles smiled. 

"No worries. I was reading anyways. Can't sleep.", Erik shrugged.

Y/N looked back and forth between the two man. This was much worse than Barnes and Howlett.

-Oh shut up Charles, she was at my place first!-

-Well know she's here, so leave us alone!- 

The men kept talking in their heads, glaring at each other. 

"You know i...I'll just go back to my-"

"NO", "DON'T", both of them shouted at once. 

Y/N huffed, a bit desperate. 

"Okay you know what?", she started, gesturing at Charles, "I'm with you the whole Evening for our Dinner, i'll go with Erik today, alright?"

Erik and Charles exchanged glances. 

- Sounds fair. She comes with me.- 

-Yes, i'll have her ALL evening in two days- Charles smiled. 

- Well, today's today.", Erik triumphantly raised a brow, smirking. 

-Sure. Just make sure not to get slapped again- Charles hissed.
Y/N watched them. She could sense the mental bickering without being a Mindreader and rolled her eyes, leaving the room. 

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