Chapter 2

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After she'd accompanied Charles in, he'd led her up the stairs.

"My room is just next to this one , so if you need anything, call.", Charles had smiled at her, swinging the door open.

The room was huge. Amazingly huge and she had stared a bit too long.

The bed was king sized and seemed to be covered in silk. Everything looked old and antique.

"Is that okay?", Charles had asked, looking at her.

"It's...not okay. This is way to much.", she had glared at him, but he'd only chuckled.

"Oh no it isn't. You will stay here."

"Thank you...", she'd mumbled, looking down.

He smiled at her and nodded.
"I'll sent someone to get you some water for the night and remember if anything happens-"
She had held out her hand, nodding already.

"You're right next to me, i know. And no need to do that, i know where the kitchen is.", she smiled and he nodded.

He'd wished her sweet dreams and she was left with herself and this huge room, feeling like a queen.

"Oh my ...oh god i'm sorry i didn't mean to.. i didn't know that...someone..", a small voice exclaimed nervously. 

She shot up from the bed, staring up at the girl at her door.

The girl now standing across the room had beautiful blonde hair and seemed shocked to find someone inside.

In her early twenties. Maybe 22, 23 years old.

"No hard feelings...", the woman in the bed muttered, still tired.

"I'm uhm... Rave. Who...are you?"
Raven stared at the strange woman in he bed. She was beautiful, no question.

Her hair was ruffled and she had dark circles around her eyes, which seemed to bring her features out even more. Her lips seemed unnatural dark red and her eyes had this...

Raven didn't know how to describe it. It was like this woman was made out of marble. She could sense no emotions in her which made her seem both intriguing  and dangerous.

"I'm new. a guest. A friend. I don't even know.", the woman in the bed answered, totally calm.

Gesturing something with her hand, before she ran it through her hair.

She didn't seem to wear anything, but the silk blanket was pulled up so it covered her a bit.

" did you get...", Raven asked carefully.

"Mister Xavier. Do you know him?"

"Mist...the Professor? Yes. Yes of course i do. are Oh.", Raven seemed to realize something.

"I am?", the woman questioned, leaning her head to the right.

"Nothing. Uhm. Sorry I...I was just confused. Normally this is Erik's room. And i though that now that he's gone for a mission i...never mind.", Raven forced a smile.

"Erik?", the woman asked confused.

"Not that important. If the Professor said so, it will be okay. I will go talk to him real fast. Take your time to rest.", the young girl smiled sweetly and closed the door again.

The woman blinked a few times and lay back down.

The silk felt so soft against her bruised skin.

She closed her eyes, just now realizing the light outside of the huge window.

It was so late already. It was months if not years ago she slept like that.

She moaned silently turning around, burring her face in the pillow.

It smelled nice. Such a nice smell. The whole bed, Like...nuts and chocolate and fresh rain on muddy ground.

Still, she urged herself out of the bed, stumbling over to her clothes, her eyes half closed.


Charles turned around, to find a smiling Raven.

"You made it.", Raven always smiled the sweetest smiles, her eyes were filled with honesty and happiness.

Happiness for him.

He'd been talking about this woman for months and now she suddenly was here.

"Well...i was quite surprised myself", Charles chuckled to himself, "i see you two met already?"

Raven blushed slightly. "Y-yes. I was about to get some dishes out of Erik's room, i didn't know she was there..."

"Was she...angry? Sad?Anything?", the man seemed to be more interested in the details and Raven thought for a moment.

"No..not at all...she was...calm.", the blue girl looked a bit lost.

Charles nodded and went on with his work.

"So...", Raven asked, making him look up, "What exactly is..."
"Her mutation?", Charles finished her question, not looking up from the stack of papers on his desk.

Raven nodded, mumbling a soft: "Yes..."

"That I want to find out. I met her a  year ago, when she took part in a fight, aiding our side...she was out for Shaw. I saw her handling Azazel and Ema at once, barely breaking a sweat.
We'd then met her again a few months back, when she stopped a group of radical mutants.
What first caught me off guard was her reaction to bullets. It was strange. She did get damaged, bit she'd shown no sign of...affection. Like she didn't even notice something hitting her.

Raven. She did not feel the pain"
Jean blinked a few times. " that even a mutation?"

"I guess so. It was interesting. Because the next time i met her, again randomly as a bodyguard for a political figure, i noticed that she did not show any...signs of feeling in her behavior too.", Charles seemed deep in thought.
"So you say she doesn't feel? Do you think it's good to have someone like this here? Isn't this...dangerous?", Raven didn't seem very impressed, rather questioning actually.

Charles leaned back in his chair, chuckling, then thinking hard. As if that thought hadn't crossed his mind before.

Gathering himself he shook his head.

"Raven. We don't even know yet. And something about her really fascinates me. I'd really like to know what it is and well...she seems to do the right things. She helped not just us but every civilian, remember?"

"Yes...i guess you are right Charles", Raven nodded, looking at the floor and left his room.

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