Chapter 12

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The Professor spun around, looking who'd just entered the room.

The bell had just rang and it was Charles usual lunch-time. He desperately gazed at his watch, hoping that Erik wouldn't take too long.

"Hello there Erik.", he half-sighted.

Charles loved his friend but NOTHING should get between him and his lunch and an furious-fascinated Erik was usually a big SOMETHING.

"You didn't tell me?", Erik stated, stopping in front of him, leaning smugly against his desk.

It wasn't a question but it definitely sounded like one.

"Did not tell you what?", Charles frowned suspiciously.

"That She could transfer it!", Erik smirked at him.

"My God Erik, speak in sentences! WHO, WHAT?"

"She. Y/n. Her Powers?", Erik spoke extremely slowly, as if mocking him.

Charles went silent for a short while.

"Say what?"

"Charles! She can influence others with it!"

"H-how? Why? Why didn't i knew of this? How do you kn-"

"I was in her room yesterday night and i felt it Charles.", Erik sounded astonished.

"Felt WHAT."

"Nothing. That's the thing Charles. She can transfer it. I was...let's say a little hot-blooded at that moment and she was all gone. Complete lack of emotion. It felt amazing.", Erik tried to explain, gesturing widely.

Charles just stared into the nothingness in front of him for a rather long time.

He frowned then just stared and then frowned again.

"Uhm...why were you in her room?", he finally asked and Erik groaned.

"COME ON Charles. That is amazing and you know it! Is there nothing you want to say about it?"

"Yes there is. Why were you in her room?", Charles repeated, more aggressive now.

Both of them were meanwhile somehow surrounded by interested students, who had entered the room for the upcoming lesson.

"To Apologize Charles? You told me i should do it!", Erik still seemed annoyed.

"Well not in the middle of the night! She should rest a little. You just stressed her even more!"

"Oh i didn't stress her Charles!", Erik hissed, rolling his eyes.

"Really? Cause last time you met you pushed a knife in her hand!", Charles shot back, louder now.

"And it was amazing! She said it was no problem so what is your problem Charles?!", Erik gritted his teeth leaning closer to the other man.

"That she should get some sleep and you won't let her!", Charles nearly yelled now.

"She is a grown woman, she can decide for herself!"

"No she can't! She doesn't know. She doesn't get tired!", Charles held his head as if Erik's idiocy was causing him headaches.

The school bell rang and both of them looked to the side.

It went silent until Charles groaned annoyed. "Oh great. Good Job Erik. I couldn't even get something to ea-"


Both men suddenly froze and turned their heads, as they heard her voice echoing through the room.

As she appeared in the doorway a small smile appeared on Charles face and the frown on Eriks disappeared.

Both of them had their own little thoughts concerning the sudden appearance of said woman. And since Charles knew Erik's as well, he quickly given him a shove into his side, scolding the man for his inappropriate imagination.

"Good morning Y/n.", Charles spoke softly.

She smiled back as she walked up to them.

"You weren't in the kitchen when i went down with the kids to cook something, so i thought i'd bring it to you."

She had the sweetest smile on her lips as she reached over to him, placing the small box in his hands.

She completely ignored Erik, even as their body's touched while she pushed him off.

"And hello again Herr Lehnsherr", she only now turned to Erik, "Now i'm feeling bad. Should i get you something too? Are you hungry at all?"

"No thank you i'm okay.", he nodded.

"Is something the matter? You seem puzzled.", she asked him, tilting her head.

"Well...", Erik started, turning to Charles, "Maybe you should tell him, what we did last night?"

She blushed, staring at him and then to the students in the room, who were now giggling and whispering.

"Excuse me? We should talk about that in private. And i didn't think that TALKING",with that she looked around to make sure everyone heard it, "was that much of a big deal."

"Well i think it was.", Erik smirked smugly, "Till later."
He touched her shoulder before he left, leaving Charles and her alone with the students.

She stared after him, before asking: "What is his problem?"

"Get used to it.", Charles sighted, "Thank you again, for my lunch. You saved my day."

She smiled. "No worries. But i'll have to leave. Till later.", she mimicked Erik, before disappearing too.

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