Chapter 57

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"I'm tired Erik.", she mumbled as they walked next to each other, the wind blowing her hair back.

"No you're not. You wouldn't feel it."
It was getting chilly outside. The summer had passed way to quickly.

She did not feel temperature. But she'd developed her own little strategies to tell if she was warm or cold.

She knew, for a fact, that it had been warm just a few days ago. When the kids roamed over the meadows in short trousers and Charles had accidentally pushed her into the fountain. That had been one last streak of sunny days. The last grasp Summer had had on this year.

Now it seemed to get colder by the day. The leaves on the old oaks had started to turn yellowy and more and more kids had started to wrap themselves into sweaters.
She looked over to her right.

He was handsome. With his long black coat. His hands in his pockets, his gaze fixed on the horizon like a man on a mission.

He already looked very into the Autumn mood. It suited him.

"Yes I do. My eyesight is all blurry and I notice my muscles", she mumbled, frowning softly.

"It's very fascinating how you describe "Tired", he smiled.

"I know nothing else...", she shrugged.
An especially harsh blow of wind hit them. The school was all dark. All but a few lights turned off inside the huge building.
"How would you describe grief?", he asked, looking to his side to see her.

Her face looked lovely illuminated by the street lights.

"Like someone reaching inside your chest to squeeze your heart and ripping your organs out, leaving nothing but cold emptiness...", she stated.

"Quite fitting.", he nodded, "And Pain?"

"Like a voice in your head screaming."


"A warm campfire in the night, settled in the middle of your stomach."

"And love?"

She went quiet now, staring at the concrete underneath her feet.

"Like...a tingling in your tummy, like devotion, like...the want to protect something or someone.", she spoke after a small thinking pause. A hand on her stomach to gesture what she tried to say.

He nodded and looked forward again.
It went silent for a good few minutes. A most comfortable, acquainted silence.

"I love this place, you know?", she whispered after a while.

"Me too. It's...a chance."

Silence settled in again.

He knew there was a lot more to say about that but was pleased with just leaving her be for a while. She did seem exhausted. Marble like and untouched, yes, but he did learn to see through that during the last months.

"Do you want to go back to bed?", Erik asked after a small while, carefully.
She sighted and glanced at her watch.
"It's time, yes."

He nodded. Knowing it was the right thing to do.

He'd been pleased. Just spending these few minutes with her by his side had been worth all the trouble by a tenfold.
And as promised. He let her be.
No foul play. No protest.

"See? Wasn't that bad was it?", Erik smiled after he'd brought her back to her room.
She sighted, pulling the coat off her shoulders.

He was leaning against her doorway now, just the same way she had earlier tonight.
"Spending time with you is never bad.", she stated honestly, not showing any emotion though. As she went over to the wardrobe, placing the coat back to it's rightful place.

"Do you go back to teaching tomorrow?", he asked, voice smooth as he looked around her room.

He loved the smell in here.

The small drawings and paintings on the wall. The flowers. The Decor. Everything that was her.

"Yes. Today was my last free day so...", she answered, sitting down on her bed as she started unbuttoning her cardigan.

He watched her intently and closely as she undressed.

Vaguely remembering the small glimpse he had gotten of her in his shower.

She was still left in her Pants and Shirt and yet it still charmed him to see her form through the tight sports clothing.

"Alright then. I'll see you in the morning.", he said, yet didn't move a muscle.

She looked over to him, wanting to say goodbye as well, yet stopped herself as she saw he didn't move and inch.

"What?", she asked, smirking softly.
There was something. He didn't move. Of course he didn't. Of course he wouldn't just leave like that.

"What what?", he played innocent. Frowning, looking around as if confused by what she meant.

"You're still here...You want a kiss, don't you?", she raised her brows. One hand propping up her hand, her index finger on her bottom lip.

He smirked, his eyes running down her body, then all the way up again and couldn't decide if to linger on her eyes or lips.

"I wouldn't refuse it...although it's your decision, of course.", he tilted his head, still leaning smugly against the doorframe.

She chuckled sweetly, looking down.
Slowly and elegantly he got up, walking over to him, close to him, tilting her head playfully.

Of course she wanted to kiss him. But she wouldn't make it easy either.

Not for herself nor for him. She knew very well that it wasn't the right thing to do.

"Only if you show me a nice little trick with your powers.", she whispered silently, leaning up to his ear.

As she drew back again, she noticed the grin on his face.

His eyes darted back and forth between her left and right one, as he reached for her hip.

His hand ran over her upper thigh and he withdrew his hand, a small coin wriggling itself out of her pocket to softly sway in the small space between them.

She watched it fascinated and he watched her. Her half closed eyelids and her slightly parted lips.

"Close your eyes.", he commanded and she did as she was told.

"Hold out your hand.", was the next thing he said and she did so, opening her eyes agai,n as she felt something cold touching the palm of her hand.

There lay a small bird, it's wings spread and a small 1 embarked on them, just recognizable, when you looked close enough.

She grinned down at it, admiring at it from all angles.

"Marvelous...", she whispered to herself.

He couldn't just move stadiums. Details apparently suited him just as well.

He still smugly leaned against the wooden frame next to her, watching her.

As her eyes darted up and met with his, a small smile spread on his lips.
Erik knew what was about to come. It made his stomach flutter in anticipation.

He didn't move this time. Just waited for her to get up on her tiptoes and press the lightest kiss against his lips.

A wave of lovely pleasure filled him and he held his eyes closed even after she was long back on her feet again.

He softly smiled down at her, his eyes half closed.

Watching her. Getting lost in her dark eyes.

"The things you do to me...", he whispered.

"The things you make me do to you.", she corrected him.

He chuckled softly, then sighted.

"Alright. I should go. I see you tomorrow?", he finally asked.

"You see me tomorrow, yes.",she nodded.

"Okay...", he whispered, his eyes lingering on her a last time before he pushed himself of the door frame and turned to leave for his own room.

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now