Chapter 50

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Storm started, walking along the beaten path with her.

"So what I'm trying to say is, you need to study more.", Y/N sighted, looking down at the grass.

She'd went for a walk after Charles had ordered her to
Do nothing and enjoy the good weather!

And Storm had caught up to her, chatting away while they walked through the park together.

They boys were off playing Baseball in the distance and Y/N looked up as she heard Peter laugh out loud as Scott missed the ball.

"Isn't my thing, you know?", the girl sighted and stared up at the clouds.

The sun was slowly setting and the clouds took on an interesting shade of yellow and orange.

"I guess. What IS your thing though? What do you really like doing here?", The woman looked back at the girl again:

The reached the small fountain and Storm sat down at the edge of it, sighting softly.

Her hand ran over the cold stone next to her and then turning to her side, watching the ripples in the water bounce around.

Y/N stood with her hands around her stomach, watching the young girl intensely, facing the fountain.

"I like my class, you know?", the girl asked, her finger gliding over the water, "I like just being with a group of people who...are like me. And we are good together you know? It feels like a family."

"Who are you friends with?", Y/N asked. Her hair swayed softly in the wind.

Storm smiled to herself.
"Uh..:Well Jean and Kitty and Scott. Peter of Course. It's kinda us five. Kurt too. Sometimes. But you know he's..."

Y/N chuckled softly. "Yeah. I know. Can be a bit shy, that one."

A small silence settled.

"Oh and don't- OH SHI-"

Storm had started her sentence but was soon interrupted by a sudden surprise and a splash of water.

Not a few seconds earlier,
Scott had just thrown the ball and behold, Jean was quite a talent with the bat, had hit the ball so hard it was flying over the field in notime.

-"Holy shit that's gonna be a damn homerun Jean!", Scott looked after it in awe.

-"Heading right for the Fountain...", Kitty guessed, biting her lip.

-"Not running after that one.", Peter had shrugged.

-"I can...Nope.", Kurt huffed after not quite catching it.

- "I GOT IT!", Charles Shouted all excited, feeling the ball in his hand, as well as something he ran into.

Y/N only felt the impact from behind her as she lost her balance, tumbling head first into the cold wet of the fountain.

Charles right behind her, the splash causing Storm to jump back and Scott nearly chocking on Peters Maniac laughter.

She could feel something ripping and not being alright as she got up, pushing her hair back.

Charles surfaced right after her, gasping for air and coughing slightly, baseball still in hand.

The fountain was fairly deep, reaching up to her chest and Y/N soon fixed her gaze on Charles who looked back at her, still trying to get his hair out of his face.

"Oh my...I sorr-", before he finished he started laughing, grinning like and idiot at how angry she looked.

"No really, so sorry. You...", he laughed again, trying to cover his grin behind his hand, "You have a...lily in your hair..let me...", his hand reached out for her and she chuckled herself as he got it out, throwing it back into the water.

"You god damn idiot.", she started, shaking her head, smiling at him.

He started laughing again, his shining blue eyes fixed on her, as she tried to pull herself out of the water.

"Wait let me...", he put his hands on her hip, giving her a last push and she soon sat on the edge of the water again.

As he got out himself the kids had come running up to them, gathering around.

"Oh shit mum...", Peter said, being the first to rush up to her.

The shock in the boys tone was what made Charles look up.

Jean had her hands on her mouth, stepping back while Storms eyes just widened and Kurt carefully reached out to his teacher, trying to help her steady.

Charles stared at her, only now saw that Y/N's white dress wasn't just wet by the water.

"Naw damn it...It's alight...just the stitches opening again. Its nothing...", she sighted, her hand clutching around her bloodied side.

"Oh god no...", Charles whispered, rushing up to her.

"Should i bring her up?", Peter asked, his gaze directed at Charles.

"That was my fault wasn't it? Damn it i'm so sorry. Should've looked where i was going.", the professor started blabbering, ruffling through his hair.

Y/N turned to him, smiling confidently.

Charles felt his heart sink.
Yes. He loved her. In that moment he knew.

In hat moment when he was so clumsy and so panicked she was right there, just smiling reassuringly, forgiving him all his flaws before he ever could.

"Yes you should've. But I'm fine really. Had the stitches remade this morning, they just got a bit shaken up now. I'll see Hank and then I'll be fine. Calm down.", she chuckled slightly.

"Y-yeah...alright...Kurt would you-", Charles stuttered and before he could finish the boy already nodded and took Siennas hand.

"Maybe...a bit LESS Engaging next time, Professor.", Storm quirked a brow at him and Charles sighted, still a bit shaky.

"Well- No dinner tonight anyways...", Jean sighted. Nearly relieved.

Bad for the professor. Good for the bet. Jean thought.

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