Chapter 17

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Charles loved to look at her.
This may sound creepy, but he really just enjoyed to stare at her. Could do it  for hours.

This has nothing to do with her being female or good looking or for him having interest in her.
It was because of her mutation.
It was the way she moved and acted.

The little expressions she made.
Or rather, she didn't make. It made him question a lot of things.

Would he want to live without love? Without warmth or the feeling of being home and safe?
In return of never again feeling sorrow and pain?

She was ruffling his mental feathers. Yet, she calmed him.
Charles watched her in awe, when she tapped around the library like a cat, not leaving traces nor impressions. She was untouched by everything. She was Silence in person. Concentrated and dreaming at the same time. Yes, he loved to watch her. He loved how she acted and how she was so still and frozen in time and matter. And he loved the small things she heard and saw and sensed that he didn't.

Because of all these things he often found himself just gazing at her. Feeling strange about her feeling nothing. Following her movements and reactions.

He knew he'd find her here.  They both had a free hour just before the 4pm coffee break and if she wasn't in the gym she was here, looking through the countless books his parents had left him.

Y/n had finshed her teaching early today and there wasn't even paperwork left for her, so she'd rushed down, prepared lunch, went to have said gym time and now was here, alone, until Charles had joined.

"Are you looking for something special?", the Professor broke the comforting silence that surrounded then.

"Indeed...", she muttered, "Do you?"

"Not really. I'm just relaxing over here...what is it you are looking for?"

"God. Answers. A meaning. Everyone does.", she stated coldly and made him chuckle.

"Besides from that. This was not what i meant. I mean do you look for a special book?", he asked her, smiling.

She sighted. "No, not really, i'm bored."

"Bored? You worked till now."
"Till five minutes ago.", she corrected him, continuing to hush around the room.

"Take a break, darling.", Charles demanded in a sweet and yet demanding tone.

She suppressed a groan and stopped in her track. Walking up to him she sat down on the couch next to him.

He smiled softly and she quickly answered it with a smile on her own, before her face went back to blank.

"What's the matter?", he asked calmly.

"I am bored."

"I noticed...why?", Charles pressed, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Lack of exhaustion. I get bored pretty quickly.", she sighted, ruffling through her hair.

"You are fascinating.", he whispered.

She froze and looked up to him.
"Thank you...i guess."

He smiled.

She blinked a few times and her glare shot to the side as if she saw something.

Charles loved it when that happened.

Y/n really reminded him of the cat he owned when he was a student.

"Something the matter?", he asked interested.

"I...i feel like my powers seem to enhance when I am close to you.", she whispered, staring at her hands.

"What do you mean?"

"I sense more than usual. It's...someone just entered the room."

"You can sense persons? Why haven't you told me?"

"It's usually just very weak. Every person feels different. Some weaker some stronger. Erik has a pretty strong aura for example. Jean too, Storm also. And you, of course."

"And you can...what, sense when they are close?"

"Like a...small living GPS, yes. But normally just...even with such strong aura only from a small distance.", she muttered, "I tried to work on it a little lately. I guess it is working."


"I'm trying to teach Erik."

"Erik? How is he involved with it?"

"The Iron in our blood. I thought hat maybe he'd be able to, if trained, sense it, feel it and like this find our where people are."

"He didn't tell me...", Charles frowned.

Y/n shook her head: "We only talked about it yesterday night. I think he hadn't got the chance to talk with you yet."

"Well...alright then. Can I be with you?"

"Not this evening. I want him to be as isolated as possible when we try it the first time. He'll need to feel himself first. But after that, sure, why not.", she smiled softly and he answered it.

She leaned back, finally relaxing a little. 

Charles enjoyed that small moment of peace. Turning his head to look at her. She had closed her eyes, a single strand of hair lay on her cheek.  It was so very rare to catch her like that, he'd though to himself, maybe in the morning. 

Where they were going though, with him not even daring to ask her out for dinner, that wasn't about to happen anytime soon.

Maybe, if he just-
In that very moment she started frowning and opening her eyes.
Charles watched her puzzled as she lifted her hand, staring at her wrist. 

"What is it, Darling?", he asked and she softly turned her gaze to him. 

"Lost my watch. What time is it?", she asked. 

Xavier sighted, looking down at his: "Uh...about ten to 4."

She was smirking as he looked up at her again. 

"Care to join me for a cup of tea? It's coffee break time.", she hummed excited.

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now