Chapter 47

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"You know..."

It was quiet. The wind was soft and the sun shimmered through the clouds above.

It was warm. Relatively anyways, considering the month. Way too warm actually.

Not that she'd noticed, but she could see the kids running around with their shirts and some of the cats snoozing away in the sun.

"Sometimes I ask myself what would've become of me If I...If he hadn't found me."

Y/N turned to her right. She lay on her belly, her eyes no longer gliding over the yellowed paper of the book in front of her. Jean was next to her. Sitting in the green grass of the mansion's park, her math folder opened before her.

"Well. We'll never know.", the older woman answered dryly, softly frowning, "Why do you mind?"

Jean sighted, letting herself fall back, her arms spread, entangled in the green.

"I don't know. I just do."

Y/N sighted softly, her eyes trailing over her form.

Jean's hair fell softly onto the ground around her. The girl was already taller than her and her eyes glistened in the afternoon sun.

What she'd give. What she'd give to be like that young little thing.
Such potential. And beauty. And youth.

And there she lay, worrying herself sick over what would've might been.

"Jean.", she finally started.

The girl turned her head, looking over to her teacher.

Y/N seemed nearly out of place with her calmness and those dark eyes. She didn't fit into such a summer setting at all.


"You're here now. This is the best possible place for you. Read good books. Have fun. Get to know a cute boy. Enjoy.", she continued, her gaze back to her book.

The lunch breaks were always way to short anyways and here she was with one of her students, discussing things all serious again.

All she wanted was to read her book with the sun on her skin and no worries attached to any of that.

Maybe, she though to herself, she was getting old. Wishing for peace and quiet like that.

"But!"; Jean groaned, sitting up again. Y/N didn't even look.

"I feel like i'm not doing enough! Look at you! The things you've seen when you were my age! Look At Erik! I feel like i'm falling behind already!"

Y/N quirked her brow, still not even glancing at the girl.

"Things me and Erik saw aren't exactly things you want to see."

"But they made you stronger, did they not?", The girl pushed, leaning closer, her hair falling into her face.

"Sure.", The woman sighted, turning the page, "And mentally ill."

Jean stopped at that. Blinking a few times, before turning back to just laying in the grass.

Silence settled between them.
Jean listened.

Listened to the wind in the trees and the shouts of the kids and the splashing of the water from the fountain.

It may very well be the last days of summer, before autumn would reign.

"Who...", Jean started, turning to her teacher again, "Who's cooking lunch today?"

Y/N turned her head slightly, her eyes still on the paper though.

"Raven. Said I should take a day off."

"Are you not feeling okay?", Jean asked, her hand running through her crimson hair.

"Not really.", Y/N sighted, "Was seeing Hank this morning. He re-did my stitches."

"Oh...", Jean hummed, her eyes trailing over the woman's hair, softly touching the bun, "You're on a date this Friday...right?"

Y/N held her breath, slowly turning her head, staring at the girl.

"How do you know already?", she softly hissed.

Jean shrugged, not able to conceal the smile on her lips.

"There aren't many secrets around here. Well. Some. But not many."

Y/N blinked at the girl's acted innocence.

"And why do you mind, exactly?", the woman asked, turning on her side now.

"Well. I DON'T.", Jean underlined, avoiding her gaze, "Charles is...great."

"You don't sound like you mean it...", Y/N squinted her eyes, studying the girl.

Jeans hand nervously ran through her hair.

"Well I just...", she looked up now and Y/N was immediately intimidated by the thick, sapphire green. "What do you think about Erik?"

Y/N raised her brows, then looked down, then sighted deeply.

"Lehnsherr is...", she chuckled, turning to lay on her back, staring up into the clouds.

"Yeah?", Jean asked, still seated, frowning softly.

She could feel it.

She could feel both love but also...fear. Was it fear? She couldn't tell.

"Erik is complicated, you know?", Y/N finally answered, turning her head to her student.

"And Charles isn't?"

Y/N chuckled again. "Didn't say that. It's just that..."

"You feel like you play it safe when you go with him?", Jean asked.

Y/N frowned. "How do you know, Grey?"

Jean just shrugged.

"I don't know. It just seems like it.:The Professor is so...reliable. I think he's definitely the 'risk free´ version. Erik is know....unhinged."

Y/N kept the frown on her face.

"He is...i guess."

"I don't know if Risk-free equals right though.", Jean continued, mentally nudging the woman.

Y/N stared back into the clouds.

"Me neither."

"He's a lot like me, you know?", Y/N asked, carefuly.

"Oh I know. You've got yourself better under control though.", Jean chuckled.

"Only cause I don't have to endure the pain. He has to.", she whispered.

Jean frowned slightly.

"Someone like that is dangerous. Jean. Like a dog that has been shot."

Jean turned her head at her.
"You don't trust Lehnsherr?"

Y/N sighted, turning around again, her head pressed into the palm of her hands.

"I don't trust myself. So no. I don't think I trust him either. Wounded dogs bite. They just do."

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