Chapter 11

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The class was loud.

Students sitting on tables, chatting, laughing.

Y/n stared at the room, eyes widened.

Some of the students turned around and the whole room went completely silent in an instant.

Every single pair of eyes seemed to watch her and she held her breath, staring back.

Within a second, she put her bag down, turning on her heel, storming out of the room.

Jean frowned, thinking hard if she should go after her.

"Right Jean?", Scott asked her, grinning.

"Hum?", she turned her head to look at him.

The schoolbell rang and one by one the children started to settle down on their places, unpacking their things.

Five minutes after the lesson began, she was back.

A few students turned around, looking at her.

Y/n closed the door behind her, grabbed her bag and made her way to her desk.

Looking confused she turned around.

A cup of coffee in her hand and her well-made hair was scattered in her face.

"Do I sit here?", she asked, placing her bag on the table.

"Uhm...yeah?", one of the girls answered.

Y/n stared at the table for an awkwardly long time, before finally answering: "Nah.", and sitting on the desk, next to her bag, dangling her legs.

A few students chuckled and she looked up shocked.

"Why are you laughing?", she asked nervously, "Should it okay when i...?", she gestured to her table.

"No it's okay Mam.", Jean answered, smiling.

"Okay. Cool. i'm old.", Y/n sighted.

"I'm not...really...properly educated for teaching a school class. I've been to the army before Mister Xavier brought me here so...Well- I won't be handling you like i'd handle soldiers though. I've been forbidden that.  And since this is what...arts and music? We'll take it slow.  See this as your...", she gestured something, "Escape. From usual school boredom. You may feel free to just relax here."

"So", she started again, frowning. "First of all...stop sitting like...this. This isn't...jail. Sit back. Relax. Sit on your table. I don't care. Make yourself comfortable.", she pointed at a few students, sipping from her coffee.

The children exchanged confused glances before the girl from before finally moved, pushing herself off her Chair and on her table.

"Thank you!", Y/n grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Here, have a treat.", the teacher called, throwing something at her.

The girl caught it, staring.
"Is that candy?", she asked confused.

"Don't you like candy?", Y/n asked, frowning.

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