Chapter 39

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"Evening, Herr Lehnsherr."

When Erik got into the room at 4 am he'd imagined she'd be asleep.

His eyes widened, he'd been sneaking through the mansion trying not to wake anyone up and she was there, wide awake anyway. At 4 in the morning.

"Are you...why are you awake?!", he hissed in a whispered tone.

"Because you said you would come. And you didn't. And i was afraid something happened to you - but didn't want to ask someone because that would sound really awkward. So i waited since i couldn't get up - since Charles would've been angry at me for getting up.", she spoke fast and with big, lovely eyes glancing at him.

Erik stared at her for a while.
She was sitting upright on her blanket, wearing Charles grey sweater  and knitted overknees.
Legs crossed, book in hand. 

"Ugh fuck...", he hissed and sighted, frowning at her.

"What?", she hissed back.

"I need to be more careful. Showing feelings for you ruins my reputation of being a heartless asshole.", he stated walking up to her, kissing the top of her head.

She chuckled at that and watched as he sat down on the mattress.

"So you really waited for me all this time?", he asked softly.

"I are a terrible friend and piss me off, but i'd still do a lot for you.", she admitted with a smile, "I was just lowkey worried you fell or..i don't of the students murdered you-"
He chuckled.

"I can't stay long though. School starts in three hours and in those three i need to sleep, shower and get dressed.", he shrugged.

"I know. And i know your ass is safe now so you're free to go.", she smiled.

He stared at her for a while, noticing the redness in her left eye.

The eye patch was gone now, at least for the night and it made his glance switch between both eyes for a while.

She had beautiful eyes indeed. Not in the blue-fairytale kind of way, but in a very real one.

"Maybe...i don't want to go.", he stated honestly, looking down at his hands.

"You should though. You look sleep deprived .", she answered, caressing his cheek with her index finger. Like you'd run your hand over a marble statue. 

"I always do. Do the dark rings under my eyes make me look attractive?", he asked, looking back into her eyes now, trying to hide a small smile.

She chuckled. "Definitely. And mine? Do they make me look sexy?"

"You're the definition of smokey eyes, Darling.", he growled softly and she laughed now.

She could tell he was slowly leaning closer, his hand in her hair now, brushing a lock behind her ear.

"Okay...I'll go then...and..", he finally sighted, got up, turning around once more, "Sorry again for... being a terrible friend and forgetting about visiting you..", he sighted, ruffling through his hair.

"It's fine. You're MY shitty friend...Sweet dreams, Schatz."

On the other side of the closed door Erik leaned against it, his eyes closed.

How can he get over someone he hadn't started dating yet?

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now