Chapter 48

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Anger..., she thought to herself.
Think about something...that makes you...angry.

It was their usual coffee gathering. She sat across Erik and was just holding her head up, staring at him intensely.

Erik had, in the last weeks, slowly but surely become her little lab rat.

She knew she had to talk to Charles about it sooner or later, but for now she simply enjoyed testing her abilities.

She'd tried afflicting more than just calm.

Tried happiness and sadness and now...

Now the thing that honestly scared her the most.

But she and Erik where in a difficult spot lately anyways-
So if there was a time it was now.

Anger it was.

In a way, this was self defense for her.

She needed to know if he would snap.

Needed to know if she could keep him down if he did.

Erik Lehnsherr was a dangerous man and she knew that very well.

And pushing him was one way of finding out if she could cope with that.

This was going to be hard.

Especially because she knew she cared deeply for him.

The coffee table was happily chattering away, while she could see Lehnsherr's knuckles turning white around his mug.

She could see his chest rising and falling as his breath got heavier and as she heard him exhale a bit louder than usual, her eyes darted up to look right into his icy gaze.

"Could you tell me why the fuck you are staring at me like that?"; he asked, so quietly that she was sure she had to be the only one who heard it.

She looked around just to be sure and apart from Hank who was looking at her, nobody seemed to mind a thing.

"Wow there Erik, you okay?", the other man asked with a small nervous chuckle, noticing how serious he sounded.

"Fuck off McCoy.", Erik nearly hissed and Hank raised his brows and turned away, backing off.

Nobody enjoyed dealing with a pissed-off Erik.

Their eyes met again.

She could see him gulp and how intense he was staring, his hand still not leaving the mug.

Not that she said a thing.

She simply kept looking at him. Standing those penetrating blue eyes of his, not even flinching.

"We need to talk.", he finally said, still hissing.

"Don't feel like it.", she shrugged, turning her head away.

Y/N could feel his hand on her wrist, squeezing her tightly.

She very slowly let her eyes drift back to him, looking at him questioningly.

"That wasn't a question.", he insisted, standing up, causing the others to look at him.

"If you'd excuse us for a second...", Erik exclaimed, his voice husky but relatively calm as he led the way, leaving the kitchen.

Y/N stood up, sighting softly.
Raven looked at her and they exchanged glances.

"Everything alright?", the other woman asked, slightly concerned.

Y/N just shrugged and nodded reassuring.

"You know how he is sometimes.", she answered softly, smiling knowingly before leaving the room right after Lehnsherr.

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now