Chapter 19

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I Don't Promote Smoking.

"Outside or inside?"

Erik nearly jumped.

He stood in the park, not far from the building and smoked.
Usually, he was a non-smoking kind of person, especially around the kids but from time to time memory's came up, times got to stressing or he simply needed rest so he always had a some in his coat.

When her voice called from behind, he felt caught and a little embarrassed.

"Hum?", he asked, turning around. 

"It's an interesting question 'aint it?

Appearance or feelings. Strength or wisdom. Pleasure or happiness. Pain or Sorrow. Knowing or hoping. Inside Or Outside. What is it for you?"

She played with a coin in her hand, snipping it up and catching it again.

He stared at her and back to the coin, stopping it in mid air.

"Why do you ask?", he frowned, the cigarette between his lips again. 

She watched it, his lips, to be precise. 

"Curiosity.", she finally stated. 
They exchanged glances, the Coin between them.

"I think it changes. A coin can be thrown multiple times. catch it. Throw it again. For me though, it makes no difference. I'll just stop it when I feel like it."

That said, the coin flew over to his hand, where he held it out for her.

She looked at him. Impressed as always.

"A beautiful answer Herr Lehnsherr.", she whispered before taking her coin back, "but what i was originally referring to, was where you want to practice. Inside. Or Outside.
Actually, i mean", she looked up at the sky above them, "It DOES look a bit like rain, would you like to go in?", she asked, pointing at the door behind her.

Erik seemed shocked. He was amazing how easily she played him every single time.

"Inside seems to be a good idea.", he nodded, looking down, smiling.

"May I?", she asked, gesturing at his cigarette. 

Erik frowned, then chuckled deeply. "Sure."

He held it out for her and she simply out her hands behind her back, leaning forward. 

Catching her drift he smiled again, softly placing it in front of her lips. 

She smiled, leaning back up, taking a long satisfying drag.

"Didn't know you smoked.", Erik stated, watching her intensely. 

"Oh i'm guilty for sure. Mostly doing it in my car when I need a time out. Don't tell Charles.", she explained, smirking at him, before handing the cigarette over. 

Eriks eyes didn't leave her. Not as he inhaled and not as the smoke glided through the cold air. 

He noticed her closing her eyes in bliss as it passed her. 

"In that black beauty of yours, huh?", Erik smiled, his gaze wandering over to the yard, were he knew the car was still parked, "Mind if I join at times?"

She chuckled, "Not at all. I'll give you two taps on the back before I'll go. Then you'll know."

"All secretive? Exciting.", Erik smirked, liking the idea of having a little secret.

"C'mon, Let's get going.", she took the cigarette and after one final drag left it in the tiny golden cat food can next to the entrance. 

Love Triangle (Cherik X Reader) NOT COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now