Chapter 17

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"But I feel like I'm attached to you."

"I feel like my heart once belonged to you."

Wonwoo bite his lips as he thought about it.

"Perhaps.. She remembered her past life?" He asked himself.

Wonwoo couldn't focus with his works, what Sera told him the other day had been stuck in his mind ever since. So many theories came to his mind and he needed answers. He wanna know everything so bad.

That's when someone dialed his number.


"Hey, Wonwoo. Are you busy? There's a festival just somewhere not far from my office. Do you want to come over for a while?" She asked over the phone.

Wonwoo looked at his desk, he is indeed very busy. How there's a lot of pending works for him to finish as soon as possible.

"Sure, I'll be there in 5." He said.

He knew he wasn't supposed to go out when he still have a lot of pending works to finish. But it's Sera, he wanted to meet her so bad and wanted to know what she meant when she said those things so bad.

Arriving there, there is indeed a lot of booths of vendors selling various types of foods and drinks, even stuff like clothes, accessories, shoes and more. It's very happening right now, pretty crowded as well.

"Wonwoo!" Sera called, waving her hand to him.

"There's a food that I want you to try. Let's go." She signaled him to follow her. She seems a bit excited today and Wonwoo noticed that.

Sera brought him to the festival. They tried a lot of foods and drinks, even desserts.

"No, I don't like cotton candy. It's too sweet." Wonwoo said as he refused to take a bite of her cotton candy. Sera frowned knowing that she've heard Wonwoo said that somewhere, but she couldn't exactly remember when.

"Look, it's slushy!" She exclaimed, pointing her finger to the booth that's selling so many flavors of slushy.

"Have you tried it?" Asked Wonwoo.

"Yes, have you?"

"No.." He slowly shook his head.

"What do you mean you've never tried slushy?!" Asked Sera with enlarged eyes.

"Uhh.. I literally meant what it was..?"

"Wait, that feels like deja vu." She said to herself.

But she shook her head.

"Come on, you really should try it." Sera grabbed his arm and brought him along to get their drinks. Wonwoo couldn't get his eyes off of Sera's hand that's currently holding his arm. It makes his heart beats faster.

"How's it?"

"Brain freeze." He murmured while wincing.

Sera couldn't hold her laughter.

'This is our first time hanging out together just the two of us, I should be feeling awkward when I'm not even really that close with him yet. I'm more closer to Soonyoung. I should've offered Soonyoung and not him. But I didn't, I called him instead. But why? Why do I feel so comfortable with him? Why does it feels like.. This isn't our first time hanging out together?' Sera thought as she couldn't get her eyes off of Wonwoo who's now still struggling to finish his slushy.

"Oh, they're movies from the 90s!" She exclaimed.

Sera stopped when she found a familiar movie.

Gaze The Stars.

Second Life | Jeon WonwooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang