Chapter 15

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Wonwoo didn't know why but, at some parts of her book, he cried reading it. He cried as if he very much understood the character, he cried as if he was once in the character's feet. As if he've been in those kind of situations before.

It hurts him so much reading it.

"You told me that you could give all the happiness in this world for me, you did. You made me happy, though we met in a short while. There was never a single time that I never felt happy when I'm with you."

"Sera please.. I'm going to retake the exams and be a film producer, so you should be an author too.."

"Huh?" He sat properly.

"It was really me and her. How so?" He hold his head with both his hands, trying to gain more flashbacks of the mysterious events that he never recalled happening between her and Sera in his whole life.

"Hey, Wonwoo!"

"What's that?"

"Oh? This is my best friend, it's called the 24/7 book."

"What is all these flashbacks?" He asked as he pinched his temples as his head began to hurting.

"Oh, why don't you tell me what it's about?"

"It's gonna be about a girl falling in love."

Wonwoo shut his eyes tight.

He shook his head. He went to his desk and switched his laptop on. Going to the google, he searched for her name.

Kang Sera is a Korean author of young adult fiction. She is best known for writing 'Love In Seoul' and her latest bestseller 'Escape To Neverland'.

Wonwoo stopped reading and stared at the author's picture. Tears started to fall down his cheeks, unbeknownst to him, his heart starts aching so badly. The urge to scream and the urge to understand everything, he messed his hair.

"Who are you..? Why am I crying over you..?" He asked the picture, still crying.


Early in the morning, Wonwoo arrived to a familiar house. He went out of the car and watched the abandoned house, wondering what happened to the owner. He didn't came here because he wanted to, but because he felt like he knew this place, the directions and all.

As if he once used to live in this neighborhood.

Wonwoo knew what happened to the owner of the house, everyone knew. He was the mayor back in 1994 until his daughter committed suicide that everyone voted him out as the mayor and he've been missing ever since, nobody knows where he went.

"Why do I feel like I knew who the mayor was? I've never met him before." He frowned. He walked closer to the house. Obviously, it looks like it's haunted now since it's been abandoned for 30 years.

Wonwoo hugged himself, shivering. And again, he walked closer until he almost reached a window of a room. Wonwoo tried to peek to see what's inside.

"Wonwoo? What are you doing here? My father is home, he'll kill you if he sees you here!" She shout-whispered.

"I was worried about you. Did something happened to you?" He asked.

"Woah?!" He screamed as he ran a few meters away from the window, holding his head with both his hands. He could feel his heart beating very fast.

"What is wrong with me..?" He whispered.

Who knows, his legs lead him the way to the cemetery without him knowing.

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