Chapter 03

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A week had passed.

"Sera ah." He called as he looked at the smiling Sera.

"You should stop trying to thank me and trying to worry for me. I'm definitely fine. The pain is nothing compared to your smile. Your smile faded the pain away. I could hurt myself thousand of times just to save you and not feeling any pain afterwards." Wonwoo blushed so hard as he scratched the back of his head.

"I think, you're also the source of my healing, Sera. What would I be without you? A dispirited human. But because of you, I have a dream. A dream to be a rich like you too. So that I could marry you." He smiled.

"How could god make such a wonderful girl like you? I'm incomplete. But just by the fact that you exists, I feel so complete." He opened both his arms wide as he laughed.

"I hope.. You would be able to accept me just the way I am.. The way how I accepted you just the way you are. I don't care if you're Kang Sera the mayor's daughter or Kang Sera the poor girl, I would still love you regardless of your background." He smiled as he put his hand on his chest that's currently beating so fast.

"I know I'm poor and are really bad in studies. I'm totally the opposite of you. But I promise I'll study hard and be a top student like you too. I hope you'll wait for me." Saying it in a very wholehearted way, Wonwoo's tears dropped.

"I hope I don't piss you off because I talked a lot." He murmured.

"Hey, Wonwoo!" Sera waved her hand from afar. Wonwoo's eyes widened as he could feel the thumping of his heart. Slowly, Sera walked to him with a smile.

"What's that?" He asked as he saw her holding a pen and a small notebook probably in A7 size.

"Oh? This is my best friend, it's called the 24/7 book." She giggled. Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows as he gave her a weird look.

"It's where I write all my ideas or any dialogues that I heard from people, that could be use in my story." She smiled.

"Hm? Your story?" He tilted his head.

"I really like writing. I want to be an author."

Wonwoo's mouth went agape.

"You even know what you want to be in the future. I haven't think of myself that far." He said, still impressed of her.

"My father wants me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I don't found myself going to that area. Writing is my area and I want to prove him that I could be a successful author." Ending her statement with a chuckle, Wonwoo found himself falling for her even more.

"What about you, Wonwoo? There must be something that you enjoyed doing the most." She asked while smiling.

"Hmm.. That's a tough question. I barely had time for myself." He answered, turning his head away. Sera would want to ask him further, but she didn't want him to feel uncomfortable as she noticed that Wonwoo doesn't seems to wanna share about it.

'He's a very nice guy, but I never see him talking to anyone else aside me. Don't he have friends? Why is he always alone.' Sera thought as she keep staring at him who's now looking at somewhere else.

"Wonwoo, I'm going to head to my class now."

"Wait." He grabbed her uniform sleeve.


"How'd you do that, Sera? How'd you know that you want to be an author out of all the jobs we have here. How'd you know if being an author is the right one for you? And how'd you know if you'll be happy once you become one?" Sera could feel the hesitancy in Wonwoo's voice, but she understood him for asking her that, it made her smile.

"Wonwoo, my mother always told me to follow my dream. Being an author is my dream. I've always spent my time reading books as a kid. But as I grew up, I wanted to try something new. I wanted to write a book that'll make people smile and laugh. I wanted to write a book that'll make everyone think, 'ahh, it's this author again' and smile after that knowing my book will make their day." Wonwoo's grip loosened from her sleeve when he heard her utterance, it hit him so hard.

"I really like writing, it helps me to forget everything. It helps me to release my stress. For me, writing makes me happy. I could write about myself being the character that I am not where everything goes the way how I wanted it to be. I think writing is my way to escape from reality." As she spoke, Wonwoo could see her tears. He've never seen her cry and never want to see it happening at all.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I asked. It's just I don't know what I should do with myself." He said, trying to wipe her tears away.

"It's okay, I hope that could help you." She flashed him a warm smile.

Both of them parted their ways.

Wonwoo still didn't know what he wanna do with his life. He couldn't think of anything that he wanna be. Unlike Sera who already have a dream career, Wonwoo is still stuck.

"My only dream is for you to be happy." He said to himself.

Once the school ends, Wonwoo walked his way out of the school only until someone grabbed his backpack, stopping him. He turned around only to see Sera giving him a cute grin.

It made his heart goes soft.

"Are y-you free tomorrow?" She asked, stuttering.

"Always free for you." He whispered, smiling.


"Yes, why?"

"Then, do you want to watch Gaze The Stars with me?" She asked with puppy eyes.

"Oh, sure."

"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow!" Sera waved her hands and ran away as fast as she could, hiding her embarrassed face away.

Wonwoo frowned as he thought about it. He isn't updated with anything happening. There's no tv in his house, only a radio that was never even once used.

As he keep on walking, he thought about how he have nothing nice to wear. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Sera, moreover this is going to be their first time hanging out together.


Wonwoo turned around. It was Sera again, she ran as fast as he could to reach him. Wonwoo only watched her running towards him. She's just running, but it certainly make his heart beats faster. Once she reached him, she put her hands on her chest as she feel really exhausted.

"I forgot to tell you that you should meet me at the book shop at 2pm tomorrow." She said whilst breathing heavily, still exhausted.

Wonwoo chuckled.

"Okay, Sera."

"Okay. So.. I'll see you tomorrow then." She blushed.

"See you tomorrow, Sera." Wonwoo smiled.

Watching Sera walking away, Wonwoo couldn't stop smiling. Until Sera suddenly stopped and turned to look at him once more, she blushed with the fact that Wonwoo's still watching her. She waved her hand and Wonwoo did the same.

Sera continued walking. She really wanna turn around once again to see whether or not Wonwoo's still there, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

In fact, Wonwoo is still there watching her.


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