Chapter 12

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"I don't want to marry him!" She protested.

"You are going to marry him. Stop being so stubborn, Sera!" Her father insisted.

"You don't let me be who I wanted to be, you don't let me do whatever I wanted to do. I was never free to do whatever I want. You caged me, you decided everything for me! I'm not happy father, I'm not!" She rebuked, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I envied girls my age who gets to do whatever they want and be whoever they want. You asked me if I ever thought about your feelings, what about my feelings? I'm a human, father! I'm not a puppet who couldn't move and decide by its own!" She cried, more louder now.

"I have a heart and I have a mind! You don't get to decide for what's right and wrong for me, this is my life! Why can't you just let me decide by my own let me find my happiness by my own?! Why can't you be like the other fathers out there?!" She shrieked, enraging Mr. Kang even more.

He slapped his daughter.

Sera screamed in pain.

"You are not going to be an author! You are not going to decide by your own! You're going to marry Mr. Shin's son and you're going to study abroad! He's gonna help you with it. Now go back to your room!" He objurgated, giving Sera his threatening look.

That really broke her heart.

"Have you ever once, considered my feelings? Have you ever once, thought about me as your daughter and have you ever once, love me as your daughter?" Sera asked, in a soft voice that sounded almost like whispering.

Mr. Kang's expression remained the same, he's giving Sera the cold and unbothered look.

"I never make you proud? What about all those times I placed first in every exams? I never make you proud? What about all these times, I obeyed you and respected you even if it didn't make me happy. I tried so hard to make you proud, that I forgot to be happy." She uttered, still in a soft voice.


Sera nodded her head. She rushed her way to her room and locked the door. She fell on her knees, sobbing as loud as she could, tears doesn't seems to ever stop flowing down her cheeks from her now red and puffy eyes.

"Why does the world hates me so much?" She asked.

"Maybe the world wants me gone." She smiled.

Sera went out of her house through the window. She ran as fast as she could. So fast that she didn't even care how painful her feet are right now as she's not wearing any sandals nor shoes, she's only running barefoot.

She didn't care about anyone who saw her.

Why is the mayor's daughter crying?

Why is the mayor's daughter running barefoot?

She didn't care about it at all.

Wonwoo who was about to reach her house saw Sera running away whilst crying. He definitely knew something had happened to her. Anxious and worried, he ran to her.

"Sera!" He shouted, running along trying to catch up with her.

She reached the bridge, she stood up on the bridgerail and cried her lungs out.

"ARGGHHHH!!!!" She screamed on the top of her lungs.


She turned around, surprised that it was Wonwoo.

"What are you doing, Sera?! Get down, it's dangerous!" He yelled.

"Stop! Stop taking any steps closer! I'm warning you!" She yelled back.

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