Chapter 16

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Who knows, almost a month had passed and earlier it was the script reading with the casts for the upcoming movie. Sera is very excited to work with such joyful teams and casts. It is indeed her first time to have her book being adapted as a movie, but everyone took a very good care of her.

She learned a lot from both Wonwoo and Soonyoung about film making. And the two boys learned a lot from her about being an author.

It was never a single boring day.

While the rest have already left, it's left only Sera as she continued reading the script, examining everything. She didn't even notice that it was left only her and Wonwoo in the script reading room.

"Are you gonna stay here?" He asked.

Sera flinched as she was surprised.

"Just a few more minutes. I'm almost done with checking the script." She replied.


Wonwoo stared at her. It reminded him of how he loved to see Sera busy doing her works because she looks so cute when she's too focused on doing something that she loves.

"Do you.. Believe in next life?" He suddenly asked.

That question hit Sera so hard.


"If next life is true, then I wish to meet you in my next life."

"Huh?" There, Sera got the strange flashback again. She barely got it, but whenever she does, it makes her sad. Sometimes it would even make her cry. She didn't know why, but every time she got those strange flashbacks, her heart just hurts so much.

The feeling as if she lost the person who meant a lot to her.

But as far as she could recall, she knew that she never lose her memory, she knew that she've never met Wonwoo before this and she knew that she've never lost someone so dear to her. Everything is very confusing, no matter how hard she tried to connect all the dots, they just kept disappearing.

Wonwoo waited for her answer.

"Do you?" She asked back.

"Maybe I do." He shrugged.


"I don't know, I just believe it." He smiled.

"What makes you believe in next life?"

"You know, when you had sudden flashbacks, it feels like deja vu. But it was actually just a piece of memory from your past life that you have forgotten." He answered, still smiling.

"Maybe who you are now, is someone that you wanted to be the most in your previous life." He added. For a few moments, Wonwoo's utterance does somehow feels familiar to her.

"I can't believe a man like you actually believes in next life." She chuckled soon after.

"You should too."



The conversation she had earlier with Wonwoo are discombobulating to her. She've heard of next life but never actually thought about it and never actually cared about it.

"You know, when you had sudden flashbacks, it feels like deja vu. But it was actually just a piece of memory from your past life that you have forgotten."

"Maybe who you are now, is someone that you wanted to be the most in your previous life."

"I never believed it next life. But every time I saw him.. He feels familiar to me, sometimes even feels so dear to me. It's weird, but I have this kind of longing feeling for him." She said all to herself whilst biting her fingernails.

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