Chapter 11

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"What if.. I couldn't enroll at the same university as you, Sera?" Asked Wonwoo.

It's been a week since the last incident and now the two are at the park.

"That would be great." She smiled.

Wonwoo turned around and gave her a baffled look. Sera who's sitting down on the swing and started playing, slowly. Wonwoo only stood right beside her, watching her playing.

"I didn't do well on the exams." She bluntly said.

"Huh? But why? You're very good in your studies." He frowned.

"I know. If I did well, that would mean that I have to be a doctor or a lawyer as what my father wants me to be. So, I purposely did bad on the exams." She answered, smiling as if it was a very brilliant idea.

"But why, Sera?"

"I want to be an author, remember?" She stopped and turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"I know.. But, it's university."

"Who said I need to go to university to be an author?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow to him. Wonwoo turned puzzled again because of her.

"You really don't need a degree?"

"Yeah, it's not really necessary." She nodded her head.

"Hey, but I thought that you wanted to be a film producer?" She gave him a questioning look. Wonwoo stayed silent as he didn't know what to answer her. He does still want to be a film producer, but it doesn't seems possible at this rate.

"I don't think I'll ever be a film producer. I didn't do well." He replied, almost whispering.

Sera stood up.

"It's okay, you can retake the exams!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"Yeah, you're right."

Sera didn't talk much today. It concerned Wonwoo, Sera always talked a lot whenever she's with him. And Wonwoo could also feel that there's something wrong with her, she's definitely hiding something from him.

Why won't she tell him about it?


The results came out today.

As what Wonwoo expected, he failed.

"She is the mayor's daughter. What was she even thinking? How could her result be this worse?" Wonwoo heard some of Sera's classmates talked.

Meanwhile Sera who's in the car with her father.

"What is this?" Her father sternly asked.

"What is this, Sera?! How dare you disappoint me?! You're giving a bad image for our family!" He reprimanded, fuming.

"Father, I told you that I don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer! I want to be an author!" She yelled back.

"Oh, so now you dare to yell at me?"

"Being an author won't bring you anywhere! Who would want to read your lame books? Nobody!" He threw her result paper to her face. Sera winced because of it, but she didn't fight back.

"I want you to throw away all of your writing stuffs. I don't want to see you writing a book ever again, I don't want to hear you saying you want to be an author ever again!" He chided, angrily.

Sera's eyes widened.

"Father! You're too much!"

Going back home, Mr. Kang rushed his way to Sera's room with Sera struggling to stop him, but she failed. Her father throw away all of her books, as well as her writing implements.

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